Archives for January 2015


Prolotherapy And Stem Cell Therapy

This article describes prolotherapy and stem cell therapy. It is the 5th blog and the last one of a series that dealt with telomeres, lifestyle and stem cells, topics that were on the agenda of the 22nd Annual Anti-Aging Conference in Las Vegas (Dec.10 to 14, 2014). Here are summaries of two talks from this conference that dealt with methods of repairing damage to your joints or bones without surgery. Treatments consist of stimulating local stem cells through a treatment called “prolotherapy” where needles are used to inject concentrated dextrose. I will explain below why this method is effective.

Modification of original prolotherapy

A modification of this original prolotherapy is when the effect of it is amplified by growth factors from so-called platelet rich plasma (PRP), which is mixed with the dextrose injection. The ultimate healing jerk occurs when you mix in stem cells with the PRP into the injured tissues. In both lectures the speakers showed images before the procedures and images some time after with impressive results.

1. Dr. Fields’ talk had the title: “Repairing joints and spine without surgery: prolotherapy/PRP/stem cell therapy”

This talk concentrated on the use of prolotherapy with concentrated dextrose and prolotherapy with platelet rich plasma (PRP) with or without the addition of stem cells in the treatment of various musculoskeletal injuries.

When the doctor decides to do prolotherapy by itself, the therapeutic modality is 12.5% Dextrose. The therapist injects it into the area of injury. Dr. Fields said that the reason it works is that local stem cells in the area of injury undergo activation from the Dextrose. Since Dextrose activates stem cells, they now can do the healing. The physician can improve the results further by injecting a small amount of PRP very focally to an area of ligament rupture. Centrifuging blood from the patient’s vein separates the red blood cells from plasma, which is where the platelet rich plasma (PRP) originates from.

Stem cells and PRP

The physician discards the red blood cells, but the platelet fraction and some of the plasma becomes the PRP preparation. The PRP fraction amplifies the effects of the stem cells from bone marrow and from fatty tissue. The physician mixes all of them into the injection. Dr Fields explained that bone marrow is aspirated from the pelvic bone and in the same patient a liposuction is also done to receive adipose tissue. A cell separator is the next stage in obtaining pure stem cell preparations. This way stem cells that had their origin in bone marrow and mesenchymal stem cells that had their origin in adipose tissue are obtained.

Superior stem cell mix

The physician combines both fractions as they make a superior stem cell mix. Finally, the addition of platelet rich plasma activates the stem cell mix. This mix was used for bone fractures that were slow to heal, for ruptured tendons, ligaments, Achilles’ tendons and rotator cuff tears.

Healing without a residual scar

Dr. Fields showed before-slides and several weeks to months after-slides with MRI scans of the original injuries and the final healed tendons and ligaments. I have never seen such beautiful healing with no residual scar. Stem cells are the specialists of healing such defects. They change into whatever cell type is missing and they fill in the defects. This explains the perfect function after healing of the injury following stem cell and PRP injection. It also explains why many athletes who had this done went on to winning more medals after the repair. You do not hear about success stories that often after conventional surgery, because the range of motion and strength suffer from scarring following conventional surgical repairs.

Case histories

Several patients with knee injuries received prolotherapy. Dr. Fields recorded their video testimonials. They explained that their procedures only involved needles in the injured area, that they experienced almost complete pain relief on the day of the procedure and that they could rehabilitate right away.

Slides were also shown of specific knee ligament injuries involving the medial collateral ligament (MCL), the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) and the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL). These are very important support ligaments within the knee.

Lower back injury with a ruptured disc

But this was not all: there were lower back injuries with ruptured discs. With conventional medicine the solution is a discectomy, but here these patients received prolotherapy. They experienced a stabilization of the weak areas, spontaneous resorption of the prolapsed disc and stabilization and strengthening of the weak spine. MRI scans of the spinal injury before treatment and several months after the treatment showed a complete normalization of the spine. In my work as a Medical Advisor for Workers’ Compensation cases that I was doing for 16 years I have never seen a single case like that.

Dr. Fields showed a similar spinal injury in the neck as well with a testimonial from that person. Again, following stem cell treatment there was minimal pain, immediate rehabilitation and a full range of motion several weeks after the injury.

What is treated with prolotherapy?

Basically all of the major joints lend themselves for treatment with prolotherapy: the shoulder, knee, back, the neck, ankle, elbow and hip. Typically, the types of injuries for prolotherapy treatment are sports injuries, fibromyalgia, sciatica, muscle tears, tendonitis, arthritis, bursitis and temporomandibular joint problems (TMJ).

Dr. Fields also stressed (and so did Dr. Purita, see below) that platelet rich plasma with its growth factors activates stem cells.

There was a presentation of two special cases, namely patellar tendinitis and Achilles tendinitis, which both respond very well to prolotherapy and PRP plus stem cell therapy. This provides complete healing of these otherwise very difficult clinical entities.

Testimony of a former Surgeon General of the US

An image was shown from the late C. Everett Koop, MD, the former Surgeon General of the Untied States who had this to say about prolotherapy: “I have been a patient who has benefited from prolotherapy. Having been so remarkably relieved of my chronic disabling pain, I began to use it on some of my patients.” This may yet be the strongest argument to at least consider prolotherapy in otherwise hopeless cases.

2. Dr. Joseph Purita gave a lecture on the “Effects of PRP And Stem Cell Injections”

As explained above PRP stands for platelet rich plasma, which is a “soup” of various growth factors and exosomes =cell-to-cell mediators). He discussed the importance of the proper harvesting of PRP. He explained that apart from white blood cells (WBC) and platelets an important component of PRP are very small embryonic like stem cells (VSELs). With a microscope you can visualize VSELs. The missing link has been the observation that white blood cells produce inflammatory substances, which have been detrimental when stem cell injections with PRP were done in the past (poor survival rate of stem cells). Research showed that photo-activation of the PRP before injection leads to anti-inflammatory behavior of the WBC in PRP.

Light activated PRP

Dr. Purita calls this “light activated PRP”, which leads to the best results with stem cell/PRP injections. Soft laser stimulation with red, green and blue soft lasers have been shown to improve tissue healing significantly when stem cells and light activated PRP are used. As already described in Dr. Field’s talk the main sources for good stem cells are the fat tissue (from the “love handles”) and the bone marrow (obtained from pelvic bone). Dr. Purita also explained that nitric oxide and electrical stimulation also help to improve stem cell survival and reduce inflammation. All of these methods revolutionized orthopedics where injured tissues can heal with the help of injecting stem cells and activation of PRP by laser treatments. Dr. Purita showed very detailed technical aspects of these procedures with various applications.

Treatment of osteoarthritis

For instance, he showed a slide regarding treatment for osteoarthritis of the knee. All this is contained in the plasma that is used to inject PRP into a joint with degenerative arthritis. You can mix this with stem cells from bone and from adipose tissue and inject it into arthritic knees. This is the ideal remedy for a person with degenerative arthritis. The stem cell/PRP mix calms down the degenerative process with instant pain relief. The stem cells are transforming into cartilage cells (chondrocytes) building up hyaline cartilage. The end result is a new knee surface;  the old and the new knee surfaces form one seamless unit.

The doctor can use PRP by itself successfully for repairing bursitis of shoulders and rotator cuff tears, muscle tears and sprains, meniscus tears of the knee, mild to moderate osteoarthritis of various joints and spine disorders, particularly facet joint problems.

Prolotherapy And Stem Cell Therapy

Prolotherapy And Stem Cell Therapy

Types of stem cells for joint injections

Dr. Purita gave a thorough overview of stem cells. He pointed out that stem cells fulfill two criteria:

  1. They are undifferentiated and they are capable of self-renewal by replication
  2. They can undergo differentiation into specific cell lineages.

From a practical point of view as already mentioned in Dr. Field’s talk there are two sources for stem cells that are important: stem cells from adipose tissue (also with the name MCS or mesenchymal stem cells) and stem cells from bone marrow, obtained usually from the pelvic bone. When the physician mixes them and stimulates them with PRP they are the miracle mix that helps to heal all these injuries.

Stem cells and other factors for healing

What does the FDA say to stem cell therapy? “The FDA states it is ok to use these cells as long as they are put back into the same patient and they are minimally manipulated.”

Dr. Purita listed a host of other factors besides platelet rich plasma. It supports stem cells, increases their survival on transplantation and stimulates them to differentiate and heal the defect. This happens at the recipient site as quickly as possible. Photoactivation of platelet rich plasma with low level lasers (soft lasers) will release exosomes. They are tiny particles, which platelets and white blood cells release. They contain proteins and genetic material required for wound healing and stimulation of stem cells.

Patient with avascular necrosis

Towards the end of the talk Dr. Purita showed an MRI scan of a knee with avascular necrosis (dead bone) before and after treatment with stem cells, PRP and low level laser therapy. There was a complete resolution of the avascular necrosis without any surgery. With a second case the initial MRI scan showed a complete tear of the MCL. MCL stands for medium collateral ligament (MCL tear) of the knee. The follow-up scan showed the same ligament intact. The physician achieved this without surgery, just by treating the patient with an injection of stem cells; PRP and using low-level laser therapy to activate PRP.


Prolotherapy and stem cell therapy are the hottest new treatment modalities. They can treat ruptured tendons, ligamentous injuries, and disc herniations in the neck and in the lower back. You will not get this from your primary care physician or your regular orthopedic surgeon. At the present time they tend to not have the insight. Besides, they profit from the conventional procedures. But you owe it to your health to try these alternatives first as they are much less invasive. They involve your own cells that will heal the defects with a very high probability. You still have the option to seek the advice of an orthopedic surgeon, should these alternative procedures fail. Unfortunately most insurance carriers will not pay for this service at this time.


Dr. Schilling has no conflict of interest with regard to Regenexx . He also has no conflict of interest with any of the other companies of which images were shown. They simply displayed the best images with regard to the many illustrations in this blog.

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Telomere Length A Telltale Sign Of Aging

Dr. Sandy Chang gave a talk at the 22nd Annual World Congress on Anti-Aging Medicine in Las Vegas Dec. 10-14, 2014 entitled “Telomere measurement as a diagnostic Test in cardiovascular and Age-related disease”, but a shorter title would be “telomere length a telltale sign of aging” (my choosing).

Dr. Chang pointed out that it is now well established that telomere length is directly related to health. The shorter the telomeres are the higher the probability to get the following: early menopause, infertility, diabetes, wrinkles, arthritis, osteoporosis, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, dementia, cancer, stress and a lack of stem cells. In this BMJ study from 2014 it was shown on a large population basis that shorter white blood cell telomeres lead to a higher risk of coronary heart disease causing heart attacks. Decreased telomere length is also associated with the development of breast cancer, cancer of the ovary and uterus, cancer of the prostate and skin cancer.

Because of these connections it makes sense to determine a person’s telomere length. If it is short, do check-ups more often to detect any cancer early when it can still be treated.

Telomere length measurements are now done in many infertility clinics as short telomeres both in the male and female is associated with infertility.

The newest finding and perhaps the most important is that a healthy lifestyle, vitamins and supplements can elongate telomeres while a poor lifestyle leads to shortening of telomeres.

Here are the factors that lead to shortening of telomeres:

– Chronic stress

– Poor diet and nutritional habits

– Chronic inflammatory diseases

– Metabolic disorders

– Lack of consistent exercise/sedentary lifestyle

– Obesity, high BMI and body fat

– Smoking

– Over consumption of alcohol

– Lack of sleep / insomnia

When short telomeres are detected, it is important for the physician to look at lifestyle changes to protect telomeres from decreasing their length even further. This has the potential of preventing dementia and Alzheimer’s when it comes to brain health. It can prevent osteoporosis and metabolic diseases (diabetes, metabolic syndrome). Telomerase is the buzzword today, which is an enzyme that all of our cells have. The purpose why we have telomerase in our cells seems to be helping us build up and repair telomeres. Any substance that preserves telomerase or prevents the breakdown of telomerase will prevent shortening of telomeres and will also prevent the above-mentioned diseases.

These supplements lead to lengthening of telomeres:

-Vitamin C and E

-Omega-3 and polyphenols

-Vitamin A and D3

-All of these help controlling oxidative stress, reduce DNA damage, reduce inflammation and build up telomere length.

-A good diet and nutrition (Mediterranean type diet) will prevent telomere shortening as well and also lead to telomere lengthening.

-T-65, an extract from astragalus has been shown in vitro to lengthen telomeres, but there is no publication yet about in vivo effects in humans.

-Resveratrol is useful to prevent shortening of telomeres as well.

-Exercise also is a simple means to prevent telomere shortening.

Telomere Length A Telltale Sign Of Aging

Telomere Length A Telltale Sign Of Aging

Another talk on telomeres was given by Dr. Harvey Bartnof with the title “Telomere Shortening and Modulation: Case Studies From The Clinic”.

This talk was a comprehensive review of what is known about telomeres, about the fact that many diseases are due to telomere shortening, about animal experiments, ways of how to lengthen telomeres and finally some data on human studies with regard to telomere lengthening.

In the following I will briefly review all of these areas that were discussed. Some of this material overlaps with Dr. Chang’s lecture.

What produces telomere shortening? Dr. Bartnof showed 4 slides that listed all of the conditions and diseases that are associated with telomere shortening. Telomere shortening is associated with twice the risk to die from a heart attack when compared to people with normal telomeres.

a) Known genetic conditions in humans associated with telomere shortening

There are three known genetic conditions due to telomere shortening: A premature aging syndrome, called dyskeratosis congenitalis; patients with this condition die prematurely from cancer, or from bone marrow failure.

People with Werner syndrome who have a genetic telomere loss have a mean life expectancy of only 54 years.

Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis is another genetic condition with shortened telomeres due to mutations.

b) Telomere shortening associated with these health conditions

Professor Elizabeth Blackburn, PhD who is one of the three researchers who won the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine for their work on telomeres in 2009 stated the following: “Telomere shortness is associated with just about all the major diseases of aging… from cardiovascular disease, death from cardiovascular disease, risks of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, diabetes risks such as insulin resistance, vascular dementia, to osteoarthritis.”

An enormous amount of clinical investigations have been done since in cohort groups like people with diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity and cancer.

There is natural shortening of telomeres due to the aging process. When we compare telomere length of body cells of a 20-year old and call this 100%, the telomeres of a 100-year old person are on average only 40%. A study from the Karolinska Institute found in a group of matching twins where one twin had shortened telomeres, this twin had a 2.8 times greater risk of death than the twin with normal telomere length.

However, as already mentioned a number of other factors can lead to shorter telomeres like chronic stress in workers who look after Alzheimer patients, being of the Caucasian race (compared to African-American), having had less education, chronic unemployment, depression, pessimism, single people versus married people, phobic anxiety in women and hostility in men, poor sleep and too little sleep, migraine headaches in women, low physical activity, smoking cigarettes and alcohol consumption. The list does not stop here. Other conditions are associated with telomere shortening like heroin abuse, exposure to smog, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and lead, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancers, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, cirrhosis of the liver, inflammatory bowel disease, chronic obstructive lung disease, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, chronic kidney disease and disability in the elderly.

c) Effects of medications on telomere length

Antidepressants used against depression have a telomere lengthening effect, but NSAID’s, aspirin and interferon-alpha shorten telomeres. Other telomere shortening effects come from cancer chemotherapy.

d) Telomerase activation elongates telomeres

Successful experiments in various mouse strains showed that special strains that were telomerase deficient, could be reconstituted to normal by reinserting telomerase: atrophied organs regrew back to normal size and function. In humans it was shown that increased physical activity elongated telomeres, so did vitamin C, E and vitamin D3 supplementation, resveratrol, a Mediterranean diet, marine omega-3 fatty acid supplementation, higher fiber intake, bioidentical estrogen in women and testosterone in men, relaxation techniques like yoga and meditation. The Astragalus-derived telomerase activator TA-65 has been shown in animal experiments to elongate telomeres. The human data about TA-65 is still spotty or not available (it is also very expensive and may be unnecessary given the fact that so many other agents are known to lengthen telomeres).

e) Human data on telomere lengthening

Much can be achieved by changing one’s lifestyle: cut out toxins like cigarette smoking and alcohol abuse. Get involved in a regular exercise program, which has been shown to increase HDL cholesterol and to elongate telomeres. Adopt a Mediterranean type diet including olive oil; take vitamin E, D, C and supplements with resveratrol and murine omega-3 fatty acids, all of which elongate telomeres. Get enough sleep (7 to 8 hours per night) and do yoga and meditation. Avoid distress and tone down your stress level to eustress (normal stress level associated with every day living). An older person should use bioidentical hormones to replace missing hormones. All of this taken together will create a milieu in your body where telomeres get elongated and you live longer without disease. Several clinical conditions were mentioned where baseline telomere length was assessed initially and was found to be too short; simple lifestyle changes were then initiated, which were able to improve telomere length and treat these diseases successfully. In addition TA-65 (also termed T-65) was given in some of these cases, but in a subsequent discussion Dr. Bartnof admitted that he could not comment on how effective TA-65 by itself was as it was only one component of many other effective telomerase stimulators given. Till further research is out on this substance, it may be just very costly without spectacular benefits on its own.


I gave a summary of the talks by Dr. Chang and Dr. Bartnof regarding telomeres, but these were not the only talks about telomeres, although quite representative for the others. Both speakers pointed out how powerful lifestyle is for our body functions as this is what lengthens our telomeres and allows us to live longer, disease-free lives. Stem cells also have telomeres, but they are on average longer than the rest of the body cells (called somatic dells). An improved lifestyle will keep our stem cells in good shape, so they are there when needed to replace aging somatic cells.

The new logic of a healthy lifestyle is:

A healthy lifestyle causes healthy telomeres of somatic cells and of stem cells; this causes health until a ripe old age. In the next few weeks I will blog about more topics from the 22nd Anti-Aging Conference in Las Vegas. Stay tuned.


Lifestyle Has Profound Changes On Our System

Dr. David Katz delivered a keynote address where he said that lifestyle has profound changes on our system. This took place at the 22nd Annual World Congress on Anti-Aging Medicine in Las Vegas Dec. 10-14, 2014. His talk was entitled “Integrative Medicine: A Bridge Over Healthcare’s Troubled Waters”.

He started the 1 hour talk with showing a slide of six blind men and the elephant. The conclusion was that each of the blind men saw only one aspect of the elephant, but no one saw the true elephant. With healthcare it is a bit like that.

Causes of death

Dr. McGinnis et al. in 1993 published the “Actual causes of death in the United States”.

Ten factors were responsible for chronic disease, but the first three things on McGinnis list were the most important ones: tobacco use, diet and lack of exercise.

Mokdad in 2004 noted that the revised list of “Actual causes of death in the United States”: tobacco was no longer number one.

Effect of healthy lifestyle

Ford et al. in 2009 stated: “Healthy living is the best revenge…Nutrition-Potsdam study

Although there is no magic pill for reducing disease, lifestyle is exactly “the magic pill” that reduces mortality by almost 80%.

Fastforward to 2014: Akkeson et al. came to the same conclusion when examining what would be able to prevent heart attacks. They stated that LIFESTYLE is what matters.

We live in the “epigenetic age: dinner is destiny!” With this Dr. Katz meant to say that our genes get switched on and off depending on what we put into our mouths. This determines whether we live shorter or longer lives.

He went on to say: “Feet (exercise), forks (diet), fingers (cigarettes) are what matters.” Oncogenes can get turned off in prostate cancer with the help of exercise, the right food intake and quitting to smoke.

Food addiction and obesity

Dr. Katz mentioned the book by Michael Moss “Salt, sugar, fat”, which made it to the cover story of Time Magazine in 2013. In it is described how the food industry employs PhD’s to include agents in processed foods to ensure that consumers get addicted to the food products. Food addiction leads to obesity; the CDC statistics show that it is effective! We have put up with this for far too long. There are differences of obesity rates between countries, here Canadian and US statistics shown.

Dr. Katz asked the audience to raise up their hands, if they had a person close to them die of cancer, a heart attack or a stroke. Almost all of the more than 500 participants in the Hall raised their hands.

Lifestyle Has Profound Changes On Our System

Lifestyle Has Profound Changes On Our System

Children education programs

So what is the ONE thing that can fix everything? He answered this rhetoric question by saying that there is no one thing that fixes everything. But we can start at a young age by educating our children. Dr. Katz has started a program for school kids called “ABC for fitness for kids” to prevent obesity. The program teaches children healthful food choices. Dr. Katz commented that a website, NuVal uses a nutritional value rating system to monitor food quality and manufacturers have improved the content of their products because the composition of their products were displayed on that website. We need to be vigilant and read labels.

Change one thing at a time

But we can only change one thing at a time, like we walk one step at a time on a spiral staircase to get to the next floor. We ask ourselves about our lifestyle: what is the first thing to fix? We fix this point (like exercise more), then we fix the second (adopt a Mediterranean diet), the third (take specific vitamins and supplements) and so on; in other words we approach one thing at a time. Integrative medicine, the fusion of conventional and non-conventional medicine, can help to solve problems one step at a time.

Effect of CoQ10

Despite a bias in the North American medical literature saying that CoQ10 was “useless”, the European Heart Journal reported in 2013 that CoQ10 decreases all-cause-mortality in patients with heart disease. Here is a link to a more recent article (Dec. 2014) regarding a two year trial with congestive heart failure patients taking only 100 mg of CoQ-10 three times daily that found that all-cause-mortality was reduced significantly.

Blue zones

There is a new wave going around the United States: It is the idea to copy the lifestyle of the blue zones around the world. Blue zones are areas in the world where the life expectancy is 100 years or more. This link leads you to a information about blue zones that is worth watching.

It explains how Blue Zones are being established all around America. Dr. Katz explained that lifestyle is the medicine and the environment is the spoon. In Blue Zones the environment is such that people who live long, healthy lives influence you positively. They spoon it to you non-verbally by their example. Organic vegetables in stores are cheaper in Blue Zones, so it is easier to eat more of them; people socialize more with each other, they exercise more and dance. This is what people do who live longer than 100 years. In other words, you change the culture, you change your lifestyle, you exercise more, you stop smoking, you eat healthy and you live longer.

You must decide on which pathway to go

Dr. Katz ended his lecture with the image of you walking along and coming to a fork. To go further you must decide to go on the pathway to your right or on the pathway to the left. You turn on the right pathway by deciding to adopt the principles of the Blue Zones; you make the decision to want to turn older than 100 years and keep your vitality until it is time for you to pass on. In the meantime you enjoy every day, you are not disabled and your mind and body stay healthy. The other pathway was the one that the majority of the industrialized Western nations has taken in the last few decades. Which path will it be that you decide to take?


At the conference Dr Katz and a number of other speakers pointed out how powerful lifestyle is for our body functions. Other speakers stressed the importance of telomeres, the caps of the chromosomes, which comprise the end of the double stranded DNA. With every cell division our telomeres shorten. Stem cells also have telomeres, but they are on average longer than the somatic dells. It probably is like this to be able for stem cells to replace the aging somatic cells.

There is a new logic of a healthy lifestyle is. It says that a healthy lifestyle causes healthy telomeres of somatic cells and of stem cells. This causes health until a ripe old age. I will be blogging about some of the other key talks of the conference in the near future to clarify this point further.