
Lose Fat With Omega-3 Fish Oil And Exercise

Omega-3 fish oil has been recognized to have significant benefits for healthy blood vessels and heart health. Ideally fish, which is rich in omega-3 fats, should be eaten several times per week, and salmon, mackerel or sardines are excellent choices. Some individuals are not fond of these choices and do not get enough of omega-3 fats. There is still the alternative to take fish oil. Most people would cringe at the idea of swallowing a spoonful of cod liver oil, but fish oil, which can be taken encased in a gelatin capsule is no longer a “yuck” experience.
It is certainly worthwhile to take a closer look at omega-3 fish oil, as new research from Adelaide, Australia has come into the forefront, associating fish oil with health benefits. Dr. Peter Howe, PhD from the South Australian University’s School of Health Sciences supervised research on patients with metabolic syndrome. They were overweight, had high blood pressure, a high insulin level and high blood fat or triglyceride levels. The patients participated in a 12-week program, which not only included moderate aerobic exercise three times per week, but also the intake of fish oil or sunflower oil. A control group received sunflower oil combined with exercise. The difference was quite significant: those on a regimen of exercise and fish oil supplementation lost more body fat mass than those who were using sunflower oil and adhered to an exercise program.
Exercise alone and fish oil alone did not produce these effects. It was the combination that made the difference! The researchers state that omega-3 fatty acids cause a switch to enzymes that burn fat, but exercise is the driver, which increases the metabolic rate, so fat loss becomes possible. It was also found that the winning combination of fish oil and exercise promoted a decrease in blood pressure and triglyceride levels.

Lose Fat With Omega-3 Fish Oil And Exercise

Lose Fat With Omega-3 Fish Oil And Exercise

Dr. Howe noted that not only did it reduce body fat (weight loss mostly noticeable in the abdominal area), but also it was beneficial to the patients’ general health. It is the protective effect of omega-3 fish oil on blood vessels, which is making them more elastic and more efficient in transporting nutrients to the muscles.

More information of good and bad fatty acids: http://nethealthbook.com/health-nutrition-and-fitness/nutrition/fat-good-bad-fatty-acids/

Reference: The Medical Post, May 3, 2005, page 15

Last edited October 28, 2014


Pre-eclampsia Is Predictable

Pre-eclampsia is a condition, which can threaten a woman’s health and also the unborn baby. It can occur in the second and third trimester. These latter stages of pregnancy (there are 3 stages) are where the doctor should check for early pre-eclampsia signs. In the past this would go unchecked and develop to the full-blown condition of eclampsia and be a significant cause of maternal mortality rate
and fetal mortality rate. With prenatal visits and check-ups the early signs are easily recognized: the pregnant woman would complain that her rings would not fit her any more. Significant weight increase due to fluid retention where her legs and the area of her shinbone would be puffy, is called edema. The dipstick test would tell more: it would indicate the presence of protein in the urine sample. These changes are a cause of high blood pressure, which is another important clinical sign and can be readily checked. For these reasons it is imperative that regular pre-natal visits take place at the doctor’s office.

Pre-eclampsia occurs, when substances are released from the placenta into the bloodstream of the mother, and they affect the kidneys. If the condition progresses to eclampsia, it can lead to kidney damage and seizures, and the outcome will be fatal.
For a long time it was a puzzle to physicians, why some women would show pre-eclamptic symptoms and others would remain problem-free.
New research on patients’ medical history from the John Radcliffe Hospital, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology in Oxford, Great Britain has been able to point out predisposing risks for pre-eclampsia in pregnant women.

Pre-eclampsia Is Predictable

Pre-eclampsia Is Predictable

A family history and history of previous eclampsia increases the risk, but also certain health problems make it more likely that pre-eclampsia will occur in the later stages of pregnancy: diabetes mellitus, kidney disease and high blood pressure are medical conditions that increase the risk. Beside these health conditions an increased body mass index at the start of pregnancy can be a predisposing factor, and a high maternal age-women over 40 years of age- are more likely to have the complication of pre-eclampsia. It is obvious that the risk gets higher, if several of these predisposing factors are present. The highest risk is found in women with a rare inherited variation of lupus, called anti-phospholipid syndrome, where blood clots are a problem and pre-eclampsia is a high risk with pregnancy.

Risk Factors For Pre-Eclampsia According To Meta Analysis (published
in the Brit.Med.Journal, March 12, 2005)

Pre-eclampsia Risks

Pre-eclampsia Risks

Explanation of independent risk factors: A= Previous History Of Pre-eclampsia; B= In Women With Anti-Phospholipid Antibodies; C= Pre-existing Diabetes; D= Twin Pregnancy; E= First Child; F= Family History; G= High Blood Pressure; H= High Body Mass Index;
I= Maternal Age 40 or more

While it is absolutely imperative that regular pre-natal checks are part of proper health care, there are other consequences. There would be reason to be especially watchful with predisposing conditions. Last not least, prevention also has its place.

It is important that health concerns are already addressed as part of planning for a healthy pregnancy. Avoidance of alcohol and quit smoking are of extreme importance, followed by achieving a normal weight. Good eating habits are needed throughout the entire pregnancy. Opting for pregnancy after age 40 seems trendy in some celebrity circles, but with the knowledge of risk factors, it should be looked at with caution. Nature equipped the human species to have children in the age of 20 to 30, and even though a forty year old may have a youthful appearance, the genetic material is aged, and the biological clock cannot be fooled. Prevention also means that any health condition like preexisting diabetes should be well controlled before a pregnancy.
With a proactive and common-sense approach pre-eclampsia can be either avoided or recognized and treated early, resulting in healthy outcome for mother and baby.

More information about high risk pregnancies: http://nethealthbook.com/womens-health-gynecology-and-obstetrics/pregnancy-labor-delivery-2/%20High%20Risk%20Pregnancies/

References: British Medical Journal 2005;330:565(12 March)

Last edited October 28, 2014


Hormone Replacement Worsens Incontinence

Once hailed as the miracle pill for the aging woman, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is now being approached with caution. The infamous Women’s Health Initiative study, which first disproved benefits of hormone therapy, first pointed out an increase of breast cancer risk and risk of cardiovascular disease. On re-analysis of the data the Journal of the American Medical Association has published a study in its issue of February 23, 2005, which shows some more reason for caution with HRT. The previous notion that hormone replacement would improve the symptoms of urinary incontinence has turned out to be a fallacy. Dr. Susan Hendrix and her colleagues from Wayne State Untiversity School of Michigan in Detroit analyzed the data from 23,296 women with urinary incontinence. In randomized trials they received either estrogen alone, estrogen with progestin (Prempro) or the placebo effect (“fake pills”). Among those who were continent at the baseline, both, estrogens alone as well as the combination therapy were associated with an increased risk of incontinence at one year. Estrogen (Premarine) alone produced the most marked effect: stress incontinence increased by a factor of 2.15, the combination therapy increase stress incontinence by a factor of 1.87. In addition, women who were already suffering of incontinence, tended to report a worsening of their symptoms after beginning hormone therapy. The Women’s Health Initiative trials were stopped because the treatment risks appeared to outweigh its benefits. These new findings tilt the scales even further against hormone therapy, the authors say in their study.

Hormone Replacement Worsens Incontinence

Hormone Replacement Worsens Incontinence

Reference: National Review of Medicine, Canada, March 15, 2005, page 28

Comments on Nov. 8, 2012: We have to keep these observations in perspective. The authors of that study were using the “regular” Big Pharma manufactured hormone substitutes that the body cannot read. There are no Premarin or Provera receptors in the tissue, only testosterone receptors, estrogen receptors and progesterone receptors. These artificial hormones cannot be metabolized in the woman’s body into testosterone as bio-identical estrogen and progesterone would, because they are structurally different from the bio-identical hormones. The sad truth is that an anti-aging physician could have treated these poor women with incontinence safely by prescribing small amounts of testosterone cream that would have had to be applied to the urethral opening. From there the body would have sent it to the bladder, the bladder sphincter and the testosterone receptors that control these tissues and would have taken care of the incontinence problem.  You do not need a clinical trial. This type of treatment has been used in Europe for decades and has been used in the US for maybe 10 to 15 years as well by some open minded urologists and anti-aging physicians. The heading for this post is only applicable for HRT in the conventional sense (using Big Pharma drugs), but none of this applies to bio-identical hormone replacement for menopause.

More info on bio-identical hormone replacement in menopause: http://nethealthbook.com/hormones/hypogonadism/secondary-hypogonadism/menopause/

Last edited October 28, 2014


Rapid HIV Tests – Not At Home

Consumers beware: a company from Montreal is advertising do-it-yourself home diagnostic tests, and the US regulatory body (FDA 2005 safety alerts) has issued a warning, after consumers complained about the accuracy of the tests. The tests are not approved for sale in Canada, and a company that specializes in marketing and web design is marketing them. Even though some people feel more comfortable doing an HIV home test anonymously in the privacy of their home, they do well checking first, which tests are reliable, by looking up approved test kits on sites like Health Canada’s web page.The test kits in question are as follows:
-Rapid HIV test kit
-Rapid syphilis test kit
-One step cassette-style cocaine test
-One step cassette-style marijuana (THC) test
-One step cassette-style amphetamine test
-Rapid Dengue fever test
-One step midstream style HCG urine test
-Home pregnancy test.

Rapid HIV Tests - Not At Home

Rapid HIV Tests – Not At Home

Globus Media website has been down since the FDA advisory, and no one from the company has been available for comment.

More information about AIDS and HIV: http://nethealthbook.com/infectious-disease/sexually-transmitted-disease/aids-introduction/

Reference: National Review of Medicine, Canada, March 15, 2005, page 5

Last edited October 28, 2014


Asian Diet To Manage Menopause

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) has not only benefits. The potential side effects have become evident, and as a result, doctors have cautioned their patients, that HRT may not be the answer for every menopausal woman. However, lately natural hormone replacement therapy has become popular as an alternative. According to statistics only 20% of Asian women are plagued by hot flashes during menopause as compared to 80% of Westerners. A lifestyle intervention trial from Australia taught 120 women to adapt Japanese diet and lifestyle habits. The participants of the trial also started an exercise program for women, drank lots of water, increased calcium intake and increased the intake of plant-estrogens. Researchers had chosen this model, as Japanese women average five more years of healthy living than their sisters in the West. The spotlight of the research continues to focus on plant-based estrogens. Isoflavone precursors are found in soy (which is widely consumed in Asia), but it is also present in fruits, vegetables, legumes and seeds such as flax. We do not know too much about the long-term effect of manufactured or isolated soy products, and so it is best to stay with the natural soy foods such as edamame (soy beans), tofu, tempeh and miso. Beside soy foods, lots of vegetables, beans and fruit are beneficial, and ground flax seed has also shown to decrease menopausal symptoms. Research in Chinese women has shown a modest association between post-menopausal soy intake and increased bone density.

Asian Diet To Manage Menopause

Asian Diet To Manage Menopause

Compared to this, the “typical” North American diet isn’t an accessory to good health; being high in white flour, sugar, trans fat and providing saturated fat of meat and dairy products this is also bad news for menopause. In addition there is a correlation between an increased body mass index and one to five alcoholic drinks per week with increased hot flashes in peri-menopausal women. Research from Simmons College at the Harvard School of Public Health has shown that Western food habits of red meat and processed meats (hot dogs, bacon) put especially women’s health at risk.

Diabetes Risk Increased With Western Diet Over 14 Years (modified from Archives of Internal Medicine)

Diabetes Risk of Western Diet Over 14 years

Diabetes Risk of Western Diet Over 14 years

Some experts say that the health of Asian women is more robust due to their life-long soy intake, in which case it would make sense to not even wait for all the dreaded symptoms of menopause to appear, but make way for healthy diet choices early. Soy products have become immensely popular and are readily available in today’s market, and so it will be interesting to see if the next generation of women has an easier time going through menopause.

More info on menopause: http://nethealthbook.com/hormones/hypogonadism/secondary-hypogonadism/menopause/

References: 1.The Medical Post January 25, 2005, page 17     2. The Medical Post, February 1, 2005, page 17

Last edited October 27, 2014


Bone Loss Non Reversible After Provera

Depo-Provera has been used as an injectable form of contraception, but the manufacturer (Pfizer Canada Inc.) has sent out warnings to physicians about some quite serious side effects. New data have shown that after two years of use significant bone density loss can be seen.

What is more alarming is the fact, that this loss does not seem to be fully reversible, even if the medication is stopped. The effect is bad enough for adults, but it becomes even more alarming should adolescents receive the product: at a time when they should build their bone density, they would be experiencing the problem of bone density loss!

The amounts of bone mineral density is not insignificant: a controlled clinical study showed that women, who received the medication for 5 years showed a decrease of bone density in the spine and hip of 5 to 6 %. If the drug was stopped, there was a partial recovery of the loss, but the longer the drug was used, the less favorable was the recovery of bone density.

There has been some awareness in the past, that loss of bone density could be a risk in the use of Depo-Provera, but there was the thought that all would be well after discontinuing the medication.

Bone Loss Non Reversible After Provera

Bone Loss Non Reversible After Provera

This however is not the case after the new research data, and it should caution women to stay away from this form of birth control, if they are interested in maintaining good bone health.

More information about osteoporosis: http://nethealthbook.com/arthritis/osteoporosis/

Reference: The Medical Post, December 7, 2004, page4

Comment on Dec. 7, 2012: Depot Provera belongs into the progestin type hormone equivalents of progesterone (= the natural ovarian hormone). A young female who has normally functioning ovaries has strong bones as both estrogen and progesterone stimulate bone formation by stimulating receptors on the osteoblasts, cells that make new bone. Artificial hormone products like the progestins do not stimulate these receptors, they may even block them. So, women should stay away from Depot-Provera and other Big Pharma contraceptives, as they will contribute to osteoporosis. On the other hand when a woman enters the menopause, she requires full replacement with bio-identical estrogen/progesterone creams to stimulate bone formation and to prevent osteoporosis. There is still a lot of misinformation around in the public, often because of misinforming “infomercials” from Big Pharma.

Last edited October 27, 2014


Vaccine To Eradicate Cervical Cancer

Dr. Diane M. Harper, a lead researcher from Dartmouth Medical School in New Hampshire has called the results of a vaccination trial against the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) “extremely exciting and encouraging”. A simple vaccination against this virus, which is the cause for cancer of the cervix, has the potential to eradicate the vast majority of cervical cancers worldwide.
The injection in the study was tested on 1,113 women between the ages 15 and 25 over an 18-month period. One hundred percent of the patients of the vaccinated group escaped persistent infection.

The protection against initial HPV- infection was at 92 %.
At this point a much larger trial is set to begin, before the vaccination can be licensed for general use. It will very likely soon be a routine vaccination for young women. If it is successful, it will be a powerful tool for prevention and will save thousands of lives that otherwise would be lost to cervical cancer. Even for those patients who dread shots, a needle prick will be a small price to pay.

Vaccine To Eradicate Cervical Cancer

Vaccine To Eradicate Cervical Cancer

More info on cervical cancer: http://nethealthbook.com/cancer-overview/cervical-cancer/

Comment on Nov. 7, 2012: In the meantime the vaccine has been introduced into the school vaccination program of many countries around the world, but mostly concentrating on the female population.  In Australia the vaccine is given to boys aged 9 to 15 and girls.  The two main brand names are Gardasil and Cervarix. Here is a detailed medical review from Great Britain.

Last edited October 27, 2014


Birth Control Pill Lowers Sex Drive

Sexual dysfunction is often left untreated, as the topic may not be discussed at the doctor’s office. It can also be difficult to treat, since there can be physical or psychological reasons or a combination of both.

Studies by California researchers now show, that patients who were taking oral contraceptives (birth control pills) and stopped the pill show an increase of sexual function, more energy and fewer problems. Dr. Susan Sarajari from the Los Angeles Medical Center conducted this study and presented the results: About 15 % of women who take the birth control pill experience symptoms of sexual dysfunction from low libido, to low sexual arousal and vaginal dryness. Four weeks after discontinuing oral contraceptives, there was significant improvement. There was also a correlation between laboratory tests, which showed an increase in free testosterone after the pill had been discontinued. These findings are not entirely surprising, as it has been known for some time that androgens, or more specifically testosterone, increases sexual function in women.

In the past hormonal contraception has been overlooked as a culprit in sexual dysfunction. This study will likely serve as a wake-up call.

Birth Control Pill Lowers Sex Drive

Birth Control Pill Lowers Sex Drive


More info on BCP: http://nethealthbook.com/womens-health-gynecology-and-obstetrics/birth-control-options/contraception-birth-control-pill/

Reference: The Medical Post, November 9, 2004, page30

Last edited October 27, 2014


Flax Seed A Source Of Omega 3

Prevention has been gaining more momentum for public health as well as for the health conscious individual. Instead of looking at salvation from a slew of diseases like arteriosclerosis, high blood pressure, osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s, and the complications from diabetes in the form of super pills, prevention looks a lot more promising.
Flax seed has been around for several thousand years, but it has been making a name for itself as part of healthy eating.

Its most important components are its fiber content, the alpha-linoleic acid, and the lignans. Eating flax seed helps to mop up cholesterol in the bowel, and studies have shown a drop in the “bad” LDL cholesterol levels. Duke University is publishing results that show flax seed to be helpful in blocking prostate cancer. A publication going back to August 2001 in the Archives of Ophthalmology point out the fact, that the omega-3 fatty acids, which are contained in flax seed, reduce the risk of macular degeneration. The same omega-3 fatty acids also have a favorable influence in the glucose response after a meal, a fact that is important for the prevention of diabetes.

It has to be mentioned at this point, that flax seed oil does not have all the benefits, as the fiber has been removed, and some of the benefits get lost as a result of the temperature used with processing. Also, just eating a spoon full of flax seeds will not be the answer, as flax seed is not fully used during digestion (the seeds are simply excreted in a bowel movement). To unlock the benefits it is best, to grind the seed.

Flax Seed A Source Of Omega 3

Flax Seed A Source Of Omega 3

A coffee mill does the job well enough, and freshly ground seeds are better than the pre-ground variety that has been sitting around in the bin of a store for some time. Two teaspoons of ground flax seed mixed with some yogurt and fruit makes for a good starter in the morning or an easy evening snack. A slice of flax seed bread does not give you the benefits; remember that heat during cooking or baking destroys the key components.
The nice part about flax seed is the fact, that it is inexpensive, plentiful, has no adverse side effects*, and it is the ounce of prevention which is readily available to you.

More info on Omega-3: http://nethealthbook.com/news/inflammation-extinguished-omega-3/

Reference: The Medical Post, October 12, 2004, page 13

* Comments (added Aug.28, 2005): Despite the Duke University study cited above there are disturbing news from a 14 year follow-up prospective study that has been confirmed by other studies showing that there are side-effects. This study showed that in males there is a 2-fold risk of developing invasive prostate cancer when flax seed was the supplement used. As flax seed contains alpha-linolenic acid (=ALA) and fish oil contains eicosapentaenoic acid (=EPA), there are striking differences of action that have not yet been defined in more detail. The same study showed that over 14 years EPA (when mixed with DHA) lowered the risk of getting invasive prostate cancer by 26%. Until it is known more how flax seed works, it likely is wiser to to take a molecularly distilled EPA/DHA supplement daily as this also reduces the cardiovascular risk, but at the same time prevents cancer.

Last edited October 27, 2014


Herbal Medicine To Control Menopausal Symptoms

Hot flashes have been plaguing menopausal women, and some patients have resorted to hormone replacement therapy. However, quite a few concerns have arisen over deleterious effects of hormone replacement lately. It is not surprising, that many women turn to herbal remedies for relief.
Of the commonly used alternatives, the most useful one seems to be black cohosh (the botanical name is Actaea racemosa, or the older name Cimicifuga racemosa). Three trials out of four showed that black cohosh was beneficial for patients suffering of hot flashes. Another review showed that in nine out of ten studies black cohosh relieved menopausal symptoms. At this point the safety of long-term use is not known, as none of the trials lasted longer than 6 months.
A recently published review involved 2800 women, and all forms of black cohosh were taken into account. The incidence of adverse effects was low at 5.4 % and most effects were mild, like stomach upsets.

As there are isolated reports of adverse effects to the liver, it may be necessary to monitor liver function on patients who take black cohosh preparations. Dosage is also of importance: of the crude drug amounts between 40 and 80 mg per day should be taken.

Herbal Medicine To Control Menopausal Symptoms

Herbal Medicine To Control Menopausal Symptoms

If the dried rhizome or root is taken, dosage should be 40 mg, but not exceeding 200 mg (or 5 to 30 drops of the fluid extract) per day.

More info on bioidentical hormone replacement: https://www.askdrray.com/bioidentical-hormone-replacement/

Reference: The Canadian Journal Of Diagnosis, September 2004,Vol 21,Nr.9, pg.43

Last edited October 27, 2014