
Eat Your Veggies To Protect Your Eyes

A study at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston has shown that nutrition impacts eye health. Over a stretch of 10 years Dr. William Christen followed a group of 35,551 health professionals age 45 and older. They provided him with detailed information about their dietary habits and vitamin supplements-they were permitted to take multivitamin but were requested not to take vitamin A, vitamin E or beta-carotene. None of them had cataracts in the beginning of the study, but 2,031 did develop cataracts during the follow up period. Dr. Christen and his team analyzed the data and found that those individuals who were the highest consumers of carotenoids- individuals with an intake of 6,617 mcg of lutein and zeaxanthin- were 18% less likely to develop cataracts than those who consumed only 1,177 mcg per day. Also, the group that consumed higher amounts of vitamin E (intakes of about 262.4 mg per day) was 14% less likely to develop cataracts. Lutein is a substance that is found in high concentration in eye tissue. It is readily available in many foods, such as green and yellow vegetables, yellow-fleshed fruit and in egg yolks.

Eat Your Veggies To Protect Your Eyes

Eat Your Veggies To Protect Your Eyes

New research from the National eye Institute in Baltimore has also confirmed the benefits of carotenoids for healthy eyes. Lutein and zeaxanthin offer protection against age-related macular degeneration. There is no need to shop for supplements. Just bring on the green vegetables: broccoli, brussels sprouts, kale, collard greens, and spinach. Add some corn, the spice saffron and some eggs, and enjoy the taste and the health benefits.

More information about cataracts: http://nethealthbook.com/eye-diseases-and-eye-related-topics/cataract/

Reference: The Medical Post, March 8, 2008, page 25

Last edited November 3, 2014


Macular Degeneration Risk Less With Vitamins

Age related macular degeneration (AMD) is one of the more frequent reasons for loss of vision in the ageing population. The disease is also the most prevalent reason for blindness in developed countries.
A group of researchers from the Netherlands made it their mandate to investigate, in which proportion antioxidants were useful in the prevention of AMD. Supplementation with vitamins C, D and E was used and also beta-carotene and zinc. The observations were made using questionnaires from the Rotterdam Study (1990-1993).

The group on which the research concentrated consisted of inhabitants 55 years of age or older living in a middle class suburb of Rotterdam. Of 5836 at the baseline with a risk of AMD 4765 had reliable data of their dietary habits. At the end of the study 4170 participated in the follow up.
Dietary intake of vitamin E and zinc was inversely associated with the development of AMD: the group with an intake of vitamin E and zinc had less macular degeneration than those whose diet was deficient. A higher than median intake of all the four nutrients, vitamin E, zinc, vitamin C and beta-carotene showed even more benefit. The risk to develop macular degeneration was reduced by an impressive 31 %.

Macular Degeneration Risk Less With Vitamins

Macular Degeneration Risk Less With Vitamins

These results are of importance to the ageing population and the elderly. A high dietary intake of the four nutrients is important in the risk reduction of age related eye diseases like AMD.

Reference: JAMA. 2005; 294:3101-3107; Vol. 294, No. 24, December 28, 2005

Last edited December 6, 2012


New Drug Reverses Macular Degeneration

Age-related macular degeneration in the past meant blindness for the patient. In more recent years laser surgery could be a sight saver, but it also meant a more invasive treatment.
The arrival of new anti-angiogenic drugs that can reverse age-related macular degeneration has received a lot of attention at the recent Schepens International Society ophthalmology meeting. The new drugs Macugen (pegaptanib sodium injection) and Lucentis (ranibizumab) were showing that they stopped the disease in 95% of cases. They were injected into the vitreous of the eye, and the vision of those patients who took it, actually improved.
Macugen has been approved by Health Canada and will be launched for use in September 2005, according to Pfizer, the company behind the drug therapy.
The research goes back to the 1970’s with the discovery of a process that forms new blood vessels in the body allowing tumors to thrive and metastasize. This research revolutionized the understanding of cancer. The new anti-angiogenic drugs fight a protein that induces angiotensin and is responsible for the abnormal blood vessel growth under the retina. This blood vessel growth causes macular degeneration (the wet form).

New Drug Reverses Macular Degeneration

New Drug Reverses Macular Degeneration

Dr. Judah Folkman, a Harvard professor of cell biology, gave the presentation and he stated that this new approach would be “a lot of hope to patients.”

More information about macular degeneration: http://nethealthbook.com/eye-diseases-and-eye-related-topics/retinal-problems/macular-degeneration/

Reference: The Medical Post, July 5, 2005, page1, 58

Last edited October 29, 2014