
New Remedy Zaps Colds

A new cold remedy has been developed in Alberta, and researchers from the University of Alberta in Calgary have concluded, that it is definitely doing the job.
Cold-FX is made of North American ginseng, and it cuts the chances of getting an upper respiratory tract infection (like coughs and sniffles) by 26 %. It cuts the chance of getting sick by 56 %. During a study, which has been released on October 5, 2004, 323 adults were tested. Researchers could also demonstrate that the disease fighting white blood cells and lymph cells increased in patients who took Cold-FX.

This study was a randomized study and was quite elaborate in its design. Symptoms of colds were assessed with a scoring system and quatitated. Here is a link to the results published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal (CMAJ October 25, 2005 vol. 173 no. 9 doi: 10.1503/cmaj.1041470).
This study comes in time for winter, which thanks to the new developments does not have to be the season to be sneezing…

Reference: National Review of Medicine, October 15, 2004, page 7

New Remedy Zaps Colds

New Remedy Zaps Colds

Last edited December 7, 2012