
Food Choices Can Boost Good Cholesterol

Dr. Andrew Pipe, a cardiologist at the University of Ottawa Heart Institute, sees a lot of people with cardiovascular problems. He also has found that telling patients to “reduce their cholesterol and get the triglycerides down” is not very helpful. Dr. Pipe is aware that we are living in a world where people are constantly tempted by junk food, and it is not surprising that obesity is one of the consequences.
It sounds daunting to a person with a lifetime of poor food habits and poor lifestyle choices to make changes. He believes that simplifying advice for healthy living can be brought down to 5 F’s for healthy living:

-Fruit and vegetables, 3-4 each day
-Fish, 3-4 per week
-Fibre, 5 per day
-Fat, 3-6 per day. Monounsaturated fats are best
-Fast food: avoid it!

Food Choices Can Boost Good Cholesterol

Food Choices Can Boost Good Cholesterol

To this list Dr. Pipe added two more Fs:
– “Fysical” activity, 30-40 minutes per day. This may be a misspell, but it is the best way to increase your good cholesterol (HDL)
-Fun, unlimited. Your food choices and exercise need to be enjoyable and appealing or the plan does not work in the long run.

Here is a blog about slowing aging and avoiding disabilities:

Reference: National Review of Medicine, August 30,2006, page 10

Last edited November 1, 2014