
New Modified Carrots and Food from Cloned Animals

Researchers from Texas A&M AgriLife’s Vegetable and Fruit improvement Center and a research group from Baylor College of Medicine reported about their work earlier this year. They developed a new variety of super carrots that contain 41% more calcium than the regular garden varieties. In a study 15 men and 15 women ate regular carrots for a week. At the end of the week urine samples were taken to examine the amount of calcium absorbed. The test persons ate the modified carrots for a week, and more urine tests were taken. The result showed a higher intake of calcium from the modified carrots. The head of the study, Dr. Jay Morris, PhD made a statement that fruit and vegetables are beneficial for many reasons, but they have never been a good food source for calcium. He states that if the new technology is applied to a number of different fruit and vegetables, it could have a significant impact on preventing osteoporosis. This research may sound like a futuristic concept, but bioengineering and food from bioengineered animals may soon be a reality for consumers in the United States and in Europe. The FDA has reported that, for the most part, milk and meat from cloned animals is safe to eat. The European Food Safety Authority has also concluded at the same time that milk and meat from healthy cloned cattle and pigs are suitable for human consumption. At this point there was not enough information for the agency to come to a conclusion on the safety of food from other animal clones, such as sheep. The European agency noted that death and disease rates are higher in cloned as compared to conventionally reproduced animals, and it would be of essence that unhealthy clones will not enter the food supply.

New Modified Carrots and Food from Cloned Animals

New Modified Carrots and Food from Cloned Animals: BUY ORGANIC!

The European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies (EGE) advises against food production from cloned animals due to the current level of suffering and health problems in surrogate dams and animal clones. Cloning remains fraught with perinatal and postnatal disease of cloned animals. Abnormalities are also common in the form of malformations, increased weight, respiratory problems, enlarged fetal liver and kidney abnormalities. Ultimately the old adage is as valid as ever, even if it comes to the mundane task of shopping for dinner. It is called “buyer beware”!

More information about the safety of our food: https://www.askdrray.com/our-endangered-food/

Reference: The Medical Post, April 22, 2008, page 25

Addendum on Nov. 16, 2012: Buy 100% organic food. It is freightening to see how superficial the FDA testing methods have become with respect to cloned foods, genetically modified foods etc. Your only recourse is to buy 100% organic food!

Last edited November 3, 2014


Pre-Conception Nutrition For Healthy Children

The importance for good maternal nutrition during pregnancy has been emphasized for a long time. Of course in this case it was up to the mom-to-be to avoid toxins, such as smoking and alcohol and to take prenatal supplements along with sensible nutrition. Enticing the women away from the excesses of the standard Western diet would yield handsome health benefits for the country. Dr. David Barker, a medical advisor to the British government pointed out, that this approach would reduce heart disease, diabetes and other chronic diseases in the mothers as well as in their offspring. This concept does not address all the aspects, which are important for a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby.
For the past 20 years a group of around 20 British family physicians, obstetricians and researchers under the name of Foresight has been putting a program into practice, which identifies and addresses the health deficiencies in prospective parents. Almost all couples that followed the pre-conception program had previously experienced problems relating to conception, pregnancy and birth. In one follow-up study of 367 couples that followed the Foresight program from 1990 to 1992, 327(89%) of the women became pregnant and had healthy, well-developed babies. None of the babies suffered malformations and none was transferred to special care. Of the 367 couples, 217(59 %) had suffered from infertility (from 1 to 10 years) and 139 (38%) had histories from 1 to 5 previous miscarriages. Eleven (3%) had previously given birth to a stillborn child, 40 had small-for-date babies and 15 had already had a low birth weight baby (less than 2,500 g). Seven couples had a previous baby with malformations and three had lost a baby to sudden infant death.
In a larger follow-up study of 1,076 couples, almost all of whom had previous fertility or miscarriage problems, 846 conceived success rate of 78%, as reported by Belinda Barnes, who runs Foresight. There were four problem pregnancies, including one Down syndrome baby, two terminations and one child with an adhesion of the intestine, which was correctable. This is a complication rate of only 0.47 %.

Pre-Conception Nutrition For Healthy Children

Pre-Conception Nutrition For Healthy Children

As the complication rate in the general population amounts to 6.43%, the pre-conception program has only 1/7th of the complications, a strong indicator that a pre-conception program does make a difference.

More info about healthy nutrition: http://nethealthbook.com/health-nutrition-and-fitness/nutrition/

Reference: The Medical Post, September 27, 2005, page 33

Last edited October 29, 2014