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Thank you for your trust in the past. Ray Schilling, MD
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These websites will be taken down on **April 30, 2025** and no further updates will be provided.
I hope you enjoyed the content of these websites. You can continue to read Dr. Schilling’s blogs which I publish daily on Quora

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Thank you for your trust in the past. Ray Schilling, MD

Hormones Helping In Menopause

Dr. Filomena Trindade presented a talk about hormones helping in menopause. This talk was part the 26th Anti-Aging Conference of the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine in Las Vegas from December 13 to 15, 2018. The exact title of her talk was “Women and cognition: insulin, menopause and Alzheimer’s”. Above the age of 80 Alzheimer’s disease in women becomes much more common compared to men. PET scans of the brain of postmenopausal women in comparison to PET scans of premenopausal women, often show more than 30% slow down of metabolism after menopause. Literature regarding that finding showed that it was mostly the decline in ovarian estrogen production that was responsible for the slow down in brain metabolism. Other factors that lead to Alzheimer’s disease are central adiposity (abdominal) and inflammation in the body.

Brain insulin resistance and Alzheimer’s

Older women with Alzheimer’s have more IGF-1 resistance and IGF-1 dysfunction. Other studies showed that minimal cognitive impairment (MCI) progressing into Alzheimer’s disease (AD) might be due to type-2 diabetes. One of the studies stated the following:

“We conclude that the term type 3 diabetes accurately reflects the fact that AD represents a form of diabetes that selectively involves the brain and has molecular and biochemical features that overlap with both type 1 DM and type 2 DM.“

Another publication said that type 3 DM is a neuroendocrine disorder that represents the progression of type 2 DM to Alzheimer’s disease.

Dr. Trindade presented several hormone studies in postmenopausal women who started to develop Alzheimer’s disease. Older women with existing Alzheimer’s did not respond to estrogen hormone replacement. They did not recover with regard to their memory loss. However, younger women who just entered menopause responded well to estrogen hormone replacement and many recovered from their memory loss.

Hormone changes in menopause

There are a number of hormones that experience changes with the onset of menopause. Estrogen production ceases in the ovaries. The production of progesterone in the ovaries also ends. In addition thyroid and adrenal gland hormone production decreases. Often insulin production is increased, but insulin resistance is present at the same time.

Stress can interfere with progesterone and aldosterone production as pregnenolone is the same precursor molecule for both hormones.

How stress interferes with Selye’s general adaptation syndrome

Stage 1 of Selye’s adaptation syndrome, called arousal, involves elevation of cortisol and DHEA. When stress is over, the patient recovers on his/her own.

Stage 2 is the adaptation stage, where cortisol is chronically elevated, but DHEA is declining. The patient feels stressed, has anxiety attacks and may experience mood swings and depressions.

Stage 3 is the exhaustion stage. The underlying cause of this stage is adrenal insufficiency. Both cortisol and DHEA blood levels are low. Patients often suffer from depression and chronic fatigue.

Other hormones and menopause

DHEA and cortisol (stress) have the same precursor (pregnenolone). This means that when a patient is stressed, DHEA production tends to suffer as most of the pregnenolone is used for the production of cortisol.

Dr. Trindade spent some time explaining the complicated details of thyroid hormones during menopause. In essence stress can interfere with the normal metabolism of thyroid hormones with respect to T3, T4 and reverse T3. The end result is that not enough functioning thyroid hormones are present and hypothyroidism may develop.

Both estrogen and progesterone are lower in menopause. In a longitudinal French study with over 80,000 postmenopausal patients the women that received replacement with bioidentical progesterone and estrogen did the best in terms of low Alzheimer’s rates and lower heart attack rates. You achieve optimal Alzheimer’s prevention best starting hormone replacement at the time when menopause starts. You need both estrogen to control hot flashes and to give you strong bones, and progesterone for preservation of your brain, your hair growth and a good complexion.

Hormones Helping In Menopause

Hormones Helping In Menopause


Hormones are missing in menopause and this becomes the starting point for many postmenopausal complaints of patients. The sooner the physician does blood tests to diagnose hormone deficiencies, the better. Various studies showed that the best result in terms of Alzheimer’s prevention is possible, when estrogen and bioidentical progesterone are replaced right at the beginning of menopause. This approach prevents neuroinflammation. There are no extracellular beta amyloid protein deposits and no intracellular tau protein deposits that typically are present with Alzheimer’s disease. In addition the cardiovascular system stays healthier for longer. It contributes to preventing heart attacks and strokes. A longitudinal French study with over 80,000 women who have received treatment with a combination of estrogen and bioidentical progesterone have excellent survival data. The women also enjoy excellent mental health, no cardiovascular complications and less cancer than controls without hormone treatment.



Hormone Replacement Therapy In Menopause

Back in the 1980’s many physicians were hopeful that hormone replacement therapy in menopause (HRT) could extend the lives of postmenopausal women by approximately 10 years, if HRT would be started early enough. But the HERS study (Heart and Estrogen/progestin Replacement Study) in 1998 and the WHI study (Women’s Health Initiative) of 2002 changed things dramatically.

The HERS study did not show any benefit with regard to prevention of heart disease. Instead it showed more gallbladder disease (1.38-fold) and blood clots (2.89-fold) develop in the experimental group versus the placebo.

The WHI study was complex and had several arms. There also were some methodological errors in the study as pointed out here.

Instead of a decrease in heart attacks, there was an increase, when estrogen and progestin was combined. There were more cases of colon cancer, more blood clots and heart attacks in the placebo groups compared to the experimental groups. It seems that something went wrong with these trials.

Unknown facts about hormone replacement therapy in menopause

Premarin is not bioidentical to human estrogens

Both clinical trials used the wrong hormones to do the trials. If you use the wrong hormones in a trial, you would expect to get the wrong test results. Horse derived estrogen (equine estrogen) is hardly a match for bioidentical, human estrogen in women. But decades ago the drug manufacturer had decided that estrogen was easiest to manufacture on a large scale when urine from pregnant mares was used. The product contains conjugated horse estrogen and is known by the name Premarin. Premarin is not bioidentical to human estrogens.

Synthetic progesterone causes heart attacks

The other hormone, medroxy progesterone (MPA) is a progestin, a bad copy of the bioidentical progesterone that a woman’s corpus luteum of one of her ovaries produces. This is in the second half of her menstrual cycle. During pregnancy the placenta produces lots of progesterone to protect the pregnancy. As Dr. Masley, a cardiologist stated synthetic progestins cause heart attacks, while progesterone does not. Masley said: “Medroxy progesterone (MPA) increases the risk for heart disease and for breast cancer. I can’t understand why any physician would recommend medroxy progesterone during menopause, but it is still in use.”

Don’t use estrogen orally, but only by estrogen patch or estrogen cream

Next there is the question whether the liver changes the composition of an oral hormone tablet metabolically or not. The answer is: yes! Dr. Masley stated in the link above that oral estradiol, when compared to estrogen rubbed onto the skin, increases levels of inflammation by 192%. The C-reactive protein (CRP) can be measured with a blood test. The risk for a blood clot increases by 400%. A woman using estrogen should always use the estrogen patch or an estrogen cream with bioidentical estrogen to avoid these complications.

Measure hormones, don’t estimate

Measure hormones – don’t estimate: Hormones are constantly changing and if you don’t measure, you don’t know what you are dealing with. Dr. John Lee showed a long time ago that you should measure hormones and identify those women who are truly hormone deficient. These are the ones who need hormone replacement. However, you use only bioidentical hormones to replace and you replace only as much as is needed to normalize the levels. This is also the level where postmenopausal symptoms disappear. Lee noted: “A 10-year French study of HRT using a low-dose estradiol patch plus oral progesterone shows no increased risk of breast cancer, strokes or heart attacks.”

Measure progesterone hormone levels only in saliva

The elusive progesterone: when the physician measures progesterone as a blood test, it may come back as high while it can be low in a saliva hormone test in the same woman. Dr. Lee has pointed out that studies have shown that progesterone levels in tissue are usually higher by several factors when compared to blood levels and that blood levels are not reliable predictors of tissue levels (Ref.1). On the other hand he found that saliva levels have a good correlation with tissue levels in organs like the ovaries or the uterus. Dr. Lee preferred saliva hormone tests for this reason. When it comes to progesterone levels you can trust saliva test, but you cannot trust blood tests. Many physicians ignore that fact and strictly order blood progesterone levels coming to false conclusions.

Progesterone to estradiol ratio

We know that estrogen and progesterone must be balanced to avoid troubles of developing heart attacks or cancer. The link of Dr. Lee above stated that women without breast cancer have saliva progesterone hormone levels that are more than 200-fold higher than the saliva estradiol levels. On the other hand women with breast cancer have a ratio of less than 200 to 1 with respect to progesterone to estradiol saliva levels. There is a similar ratio in men. Here the ratio of testosterone to estradiol must be larger than 20 to 1. If this is not the case, he is at a higher risk of developing prostate cancer. Unfortunately many older men, when overweight or obese, have high estrogen levels and the ratio is less than 20 to 1.

Bioidentical hormones can prevent heart attacks and strokes

Masley has mentioned that in the first 6 years after menopause using a topical form of estrogen and micronized progesterone as tablets can minimize the risk of future heart attacks and strokes. But after 10 years it is less obvious what is the best solution. The question is what type of estrogen application is used. Is it estradiol or is it Bi-Est or Tri-Est, which are other topical estrogen applications. Tri-Est is 80% estriol, 10% estrone, and 10% estradiol while Bi-Est is 80% estriol and 20% estradiol. Tri-Est in particular would be very close to the natural composition of estrogens in a woman’s body.

What to do after 10 years of hormone replacement therapy in menopause

Given the insecurity what to do after 10 years of menopause, my suspicion is that there are other factors that play a role with respect to hormone replacement. A lot of women have extra pounds accumulated. Fatty tissue contains an enzyme called aromatase.

This makes estrogen from androgenic hormones including testosterone. The adrenal glands situated above the kidneys produce these hormones in menopause. The more overweight or obese a postmenopausal woman is, the higher the estrogen levels in her blood because of the action of the aromatase. Most physicians have not measured hormones in the past, but just replaced hormones monitoring only postmenopausal symptoms. This is changing. What I said under point 4 above is happening more.

Bioidentical hormone replacement practiced by naturopaths

Naturopaths tend to be more comfortable with bioidentical hormone replacement the way I have described it. If you did hormone tests (preferably saliva hormone tests) you would pick up higher estrogen levels and low progesterone levels with unfavorable progesterone to estrogen ratios as mentioned. These women do not need estrogen (they have it already in their systems). They need progesterone replacement only. A woman can take progesterone by mouth as micronized bioidentical progesterone capsules at night. It also  comes as bioidentical progesterone cream for application to the skin. Here is another take on the use of bioidentical hormones.

Hormone Replacement Therapy In Menopause

Hormone Replacement Therapy In Menopause


Bioidentical hormone replacement is complex. It requires some basic knowledge of the facts mentioned above. I find it surprising that two separate research groups could not free themselves of the Big Pharma grip. In not doing so they unwillingly produced studies showing all of the undesirable side effects of using artificial hormones. When manufacturers modify natural hormones with unnatural side-chains, the end products are synthetic hormones. These do not fit the appropriate natural hormone receptors. The anti-aging community as represented by the A4M group (American Academy Of Anti-Aging Medicine) with more than 25,000 physicians worldwide has been saying this all along. Now we know that it is really true. Use hormone replacement knowledgeably and use bioidentical hormones!


  1. Dr. John R. Lee: “Natural Progesterone – The remarkable roles of a remarkable hormone”, Jon Carpenter Publishing, 2nd edition, 1999, Bristol, England.

Calcium, Vitamin D3 and Vitamin K2 Are Needed For Bone Health


I am reviewing in this blog why calcium, vitamin D3 and vitamin K2 are needed for bone health. Recently there has been a lot of coverage in the press regarding postmenopausal treatment of women to prevent osteoporosis. It is all based on this original publication February 26, 2013.

Essentially, there are a number of studies where researchers did a meta-analysis of several trials. They studied osteoporotic bone fracture frequency in female subjects taking 400 IU vitamin D and 1000 mg calcium daily. The researchers measured the frequency of osteoporotic fractures as the indicator  for osteoporosis in these postmenopausal women. The conclusion was that there was no value in taking these supplements to prevent osteoporosis. Many other media publications carried this story.

No kidney stones in study with calcium and vitamin D3

Just two days earlier (Feb. 24, 2013) another study was released with a much larger patient base of 36,282 postmenopausal women of the Women’s Health initiative in the US who were followed up for 7 years. Initially there confusion how compliant the patients were taking their supplements. The required supplementation consisted of 1000 mg of calcium carbonate and 400 IU of vitamin D3. 7 years into the trial the researchers compared the supplement compliant group with the control group taking placebos.

Calcium and vitamin D3 supplementation significantly reduces risk of hip fractures

The study group had 35% to 38% less fractures of the hip than the placebo group. This supplementation did not cause kidney stones in the study group. This was in contrast to what previous smaller studies showed. Some physicians insisted citing the older studies that vitamin D3 and calcium supplementation would cause kidney stones. But the above study refutes the causation of kidney stones by supplementing with vitamin D3 and calcium. In other words, all of these kidney stone concern you have so often read in the media are not true.

Outline of this review

In order to make sense of supplementation as osteoporosis prevention I will first review what a normal bone metabolism requires.  I will then comment on what is missing in some of the studies and why it still makes sense to supplement to prevent osteoporosis. In addition, at the end of this blog I will also recommend a sensible supplementation regimen.  All this is based on a balanced review of the medical literature.

Calcium, Vitamin D3 and Vitamin K2 Needed For Bone Health

Calcium, Vitamin D3 and Vitamin K2 Needed For Bone Health

Bone metabolism

But vitamin D3, vitamin K2 and strontium together have also been shown to build up bone density within one year.

So, how does vitamin K2 deposit calcium into the bone? Vitamin K2 stimulates a hormone, called calcitonin, which is produced by specialized C cells (parafollicular cells) inside the thyroid gland and released into the bloodstream. Calcitonin arrives in the bone where it binds firmly with receptors of osteoclasts (bone remodeling cells), which stops breakdown of bone. Calcitonin is helped by another hormone, called osteocalcin, which is produced by the bone producing cells with the name osteoblasts.

Vitamin K2 controls osteocalcin, which is a calcium-regulating hormone

The physician can measure osteocalcin levels in the blood and use this as a research tool to see whether a medication is effective in building up bone mass density (BMD). Vitamin K2 control osteocalcin as a calcium-regulating hormone. If vitamin K2 is present, carboxylation of osteocalcin will lead to mineralization of the bone (new bone formation); if vitamin K2 is absent, osteoporosis sets in.

The skeleton of an average adult contains 1–1.3 kg of calcium and 99% of this is mostly in the form of hydroxyapatite.

The key vitamins for bone metabolism are vitamin D and vitamin K2

Calcium absorption from the small intestine requires vitamin D3 (Ref.1). To transport calcium from the blood into the bone we require both vitamin D3 and vitamin K2 (=menaquinone). This blog explains that several studies have shown that vitamin K2 (or MK-7) plays a double role of preventing calcification of the arteries and bringing the calcium into the bones of osteoporotic women.

Apart from Vitamin K2 that is necessary for osteoporosis prevention other factors have shown to be of importance. For instance, testosterone is an anabolic hormone (meaning a hormone that builds up) and it has clearly been shown that it is bone building: It does so by stimulating osteoblasts, which are bone producing cells that reside inside the bone.

Vitamin D3, vitamin K2, Calcitonin and osteocalcin

But vitamin D3, vitamin K2 and strontium together have also been shown to build up bone density within one year.

So, how does vitamin K2 deposit calcium into the bone? It does so by stimulating a hormone, called calcitonin, which is produced by specialized C cells (parafollicular cells) inside the thyroid gland and released into the blood stream. Calcitonin arrives in the bone where it binds firmly with receptors of osteoclasts (bone remodeling cells), which stops breakdown of bone. Calcitonin is helped by another hormone, called osteocalcin, which is produced by the bone producing cells with the name osteoblasts.

Vitamin K2 controls osteocalcin, which is a calcium-regulating hormone

Osteocalcin levels in the blood can be measured and used as a research tool to see whether a medication is effective in building up bone mass density (BMD). Vitamin K2 controls osteocalcin as a calcium-regulating hormone. If vitamin K2 is present, carboxylation of osteocalcin will lead to mineralization of the bone (new bone formation); if vitamin K2 is absent, osteoporosis sets in.

Vitamin K2 also prevents heart attacks and strokes

Vitamin K2 has a second function: it removes calcium from the arterial walls and tissues. How does it do this?

Matrix GLA protein is found in tissues of the heart, lungs, kidneys and blood vessels. When vitamin K2 stimulates carboxylation of this protein, it will function like a broom and clean out calcium deposits (calcification) from blood vessels and organ tissues. As vitamin K2 is needed for this carboxylation process, it appears that nature had in mind to remove calcium from soft tissue organs and blood vessels and form hydroxyapatite in the bone for bone strength.

Vitamin K2 is the key to deposit calcium into the bone

It seems that vitamin K2 is the key vitamin necessary to do this job. Another player is magnesium, which is part of of the normal function of more than 300 cellular enzyme systems. In terms of hormones the three hormones parathyroid hormone (PTH), vitamin D3 and calcitonin need to interact normally, all requiring magnesium as cofactor. In addition, zinc, copper, boron, and manganese are also essential as trace minerals. They act as cofactors with regard to specific enzymes of the bone metabolism (Ref. 1).

Bioidentical hormone replacement essential after menopause and andropause

In the aging person hormonal deficiencies are also factors for causing osteoporosis to develop. As this link shows, Dr. John Lee found bioidentical progesterone topical cream very helpful in women with respect to increasing bone mass density by 15% over 3 years.

When bloods tests show testosterone depletion men need to replace what is missing with bioidentical testosterone. So, bioidentical hormone replacement in both men and women is part of a bone health management program to prevent osteoporosis.

Some trials that demonstrate how you can build up bone

  • In this paper parathyroid hormone  was used in combination with 1000 mg of calcium and 400 IU of vitamin D3 in a group of postmenopausal women with osteoporosis. Within 3 month of treatment there was an increase of bone mass density in the lower back (lumbar spine) of 4.7%, which translates into a yearly increase of bone mass density of 18.8%. In the past when physicians tested other agents for bone regeneration, this type of result never occurred. There is a  variation of this hormone,  a parathyroid hormone look-alike with the name Teriparatide (PTH 1-34). The patient administers this once daily as an injection of 20 mcg up to 2 years. Physicians found this useful in treating fractures of the vertebrae and other fractures in osteoporotic postmenopausal women (Ref.2).

Effect of Vitamin K2, estrogen and calcium citrate supplementation

Calcitonin and calcium strontium

  • Calcitonin is very effective in reducing bone pain when the patient has compression fractures from osteoporosis; the physician can prescribe it as an intranasal spray of 200 units daily (Ref. 2). However, on March 5, 2013 the FDA announced that salmon calcitonin would not be safe for humans as there is a slight risk that cancer can develop as a “side-effect”.
  • According to Ref. 2 physicians sometimes use strontium ranelate in Europe for the treatment of postmenopausal osteoporosis. Researcher showed that strontium ranelate builds up bone and decreases the amount of bone resorption. Side effects include nausea and diarrhea.

The team players of bone metabolism to build strong bone

We are now in a position to analyze why the researchers of the first paper (citation above) concluded that calcium and vitamin D3 supplementation were not enough to make a statistical difference in the treatment of postmenopausal women in comparison to placebos. As explained bone metabolism is a complex process involving several team players, where the key player is vitamin K2, which the researchers of that study ignored completely. The examples I mentioned above in point form show that exercise and calcium are also important. Vitamin K2 by itself worked quite well as it is so powerful. Hormones like PTH and calcitonin are effective, but more difficult to take for the average consumer and the FDA now has banned calcitonin.

Importance of vitamin D3 as a supplement

Vitamin D3 is important for absorption of calcium from the intestine, but also for depositing calcium into the bone in addition to vitamin K2. The WHI study mentioned above is highly significant because of a 1/3 reduction of hip fractures after 7 years of vitamin D3 and 1000 mg of calcium per day supplementation. If you add vitamin K2, exercise and bioidentical hormone replacement in postmenopausal women who need it, the prevention of hip fractures, wrist fractures and vertebral compression fractures likely will be as high as 50% in those who are taking their supplements regularly (compliance issues like forgetting the supplements or deliberately not taking them were mentioned in several of the studies).

Vitamin K2 helps to reduce heart attacks, strokes and osteoporosis

With the right supplementation, which includes vitamin K2 as mentioned above, you achieve that you lower your heart attack and stroke risk as the vitamin K2 removes the calcium from the blood vessels and deposits it into the bones, while at the same time strengthening your bones. Attention to proper nutrition, exercise and your hormone balance (using only bio-identical hormones to replace what’s missing) will also reinforce osteoporosis prevention. The bonus of using bioidentical hormone replacement therapy is that you prevent heart attacks and strokes in addition to preventing osteoporosis. I think that this is a good deal!

An easy-to-follow osteoporosis prevention program

The best combination is 1000 mg (or 1200 mg as per National Osteoporosis Foundation recommendation) of calcium per day together with 400 to 800 IU of vitamin D3 (for cancer prevention you may want to take 4000 IU to 5000 IU of vitamin D3 per day instead monitored by a 25-hydroxyvitamin D blood level test through your physician) and 100 to 200 micrograms of vitamin K2 (also called MK-7). In the age group above 50 several hormones can be missing.

Hormone depletion in menopause and andropause

That’s why the doctor recommends bioidentical testosterone in men and bioidentical progesterone/estrogen combinations in women with hormone depletion. This works best, if you also watch your weight and cut down your alcohol consumption to a minimum. Cutting alcohol out completely would be even better. In addition, exercise regularly as this builds up bone and muscle strength.  It also helps, if you stick to a balanced diet (Mediterranean or Zone type diet). These diets are low-glycemic, low fat, wheat free and without sugar).

If you want to age gracefully, you need not only a healthy heart and a healthy brain. You also need healthy bones as this prevents disabilities.


  1. McPherson: Henry’s Clinical Diagnosis and Management by Laboratory Methods, 22nd ed. Copyright © 2011 Saunders, An Imprint of Elsevier
  2. Rakel: Integrative Medicine, 3rd ed. Copyright © 2012 Saunders, An Imprint of Elsevier


I received the following feedback (Originally on Nov. 10, 2013)

 Dr. Ray, I read your March 17 Blog entry which suggested 100 ug of Vitamin K2 with 5000 IU of D3.   I have atherosclerosis and have radically changed my diet (plant only), but also now take an average of about 3000 IU of Vitamin D3. Dr. Kate Rhéaume-Bleue (book on K2) recommended taking about 200 ug per day of K2, but increasing K2 to about 1,000 ug if taking around 5,000 IU of D3 to ensure proper activation of MGP. What is your opinion with regard to a D3/K2 ration?  Thank you

 Answer from Dr. Ray (Originally on Nov. 12, 2013, modified April 29, 2021)

I appreciate your question about what doses of vitamin K2 to take. There are varied recommendations, but I like to go by human trials and what they have actually shown. In this review in 2010 from the Life Extension Magazine a study is cited that showed that only 45 micrograms of vitamin K2 was enough to get the calcium out of the arterial walls and into the bones.

200 micrograms of Vitamin K2 daily

Dr. Mercola reviewed the literature and found that most investigators were now using 180 to 200 micrograms. In the past I took 100 micrograms of vitamin K2 per day. However, a few years ago I increased it to 200 micrograms per day. With regard to vitamin D3 absorption my anti-aging doctor found that I have an absorption problem regarding vitamin D3. This is why I need 10,000 IU of vitamin D3 daily. This brings my vitamin D blood level up into the high normal range (between 50 and 80 ng/mL). Toxic vitamin D blood levels start only above 150 ng/mL.

Avoid sugar and too much starch consumption

Remember that other risks for cardiovascular disease are sugar and starch consumption. The liver turns this into triglycerides and too much LDL cholesterol, which plugs up your arteries. Avoid wheat because of the gliadin content. This causes an addiction to wheat and sugary foods. Here is a summary how leaky gut syndrome and autoimmune illnesses may develop from this. If you want to consume beef, reduce your consumption to once or twice per week. It id best to stick to only eat grass fed, antibiotic free beef). But I rather prefer to eat organic chicken, turkey and lean pork. I understand that you have a plant only based diet, but I would recommend to you to reconsider that. Ask your doctor to check your ferritin from time to time. This way you do not miss an iron deficiency that may develop. For other readers: Don’t forget your vegetables (organic, please).

Incoming search terms:


Estrogen In Early Menopause Saves Lives


In the June 21, 2007 issue of the New England Journal of Medicine a randomized study of  8.7 year duration the question was examined whether postmenopausal women following hysterectomy would have a higher risk with estrogen replacement therapy than controls who did not take estrogen therapy. The lead author was Dr. JoAnn E. Manson of Harvard Medical School and the method chosen to examine the heart disease risk was a CT of the heart to measure calcium  in plaque of coronary arteries.

Previous research had shown a good correlation of calcification of coronary arteries with the degree of hardening of coronary arteries as shown in this image.

Various doses of estrogen were used and overall there was a reduction of calcium scores in all of the groups ranging from 22% to 31% when the calcium scores of the estrogen treated patients were compared to the non treated controls. This translated into 36% to 64% less heart attack rates when the treated groups were compared to the controls not treated with estrogen.

Discussion regarding estrogen replacement therapy

The discussion regarding estrogen replacement therapy following menopause is not finished, but women can be reassured that the cardiovascular risk appears to not be as straight forward as research seemed to suggest in the recent past. There likely was a bias in these retrospective studies and the present prospective study is much stronger having been done over 8.7 years following randomization. As this study was done on patients who had previous hysterectomies, there is no concern about uterine cancer. Breast cancer risk was not examined in this study.

Estrogen In Early Menopause Saves Lives

Estrogen In Early Menopause Saves Lives

The authors concluded that low dose estrogen replacement with 0.625mg of conjugated estrogen (Premarin) appears to be safe and has the most beneficial effect on coronary artery health when taken between the ages of 50 and 59. However, the authors also cautioned that estrogen would have multiple effects and may have negative effects on the cardiovascular system in some other way.

Reference: N Engl. J Med. 2007;356:2591-2602


Comment on Nov. 18, 2012:  The real problem of this study is that the authors took the wrong “hormone replacement”, namely Premarin, which is a non-bioidentical estrogen concoction from horses, which translates into an ill fitting key. The human body’s estrogen receptors do not fit this “key”. The proper experimental set-up would have been to use bio-identical estrogen hormones, which are usually given as a cream and would be the perfect key for the human estrogen receptors. This would have to be balanced with bio-identical progesterone to achieve a balance the way it is in a younger woman. We know from other studies that this prolongs life by preventing coronary artery disease, prevents Alzheimer’s disease, prevents strokes and does not cause uterine cancer or breast cancer. Women on bio-identical hormone replacement also retain their normal sex drive.

See this chapter on menopause in the Net Health Book.


Red Meat Linked To Heart Disease In Diabetics

Red meat is one of the sources of protein, but doctors from the Harvard School of Public Health reporting in the January edition of Diabetes Care, that a type 2 diabetes diet should be lean in red meat.

Type 2 diabetics are at risk for subsequent coronary heart disease (CHD), and intake of iron rich food was significantly associated with a greater risk of fatal CHD. The results come from a prospective study of 6,161 women from the Nurses’ Health Study. All of these patients reported a diagnosis of adult onset diabetes, and they were followed between 1980 through 2000, which amounts to an impressive 54,455 person-years follow-up. Attention was paid to the food questionnaires, which were monitored for the consumption of iron and red meat such as beef, pork or lamb as a main dish, also for the use of beef in roast beef sandwiches and mixed dishes, hamburger, hot dog, processed meat and bacon. Note was also taken of other nutrients such as seafood and poultry.
Women with diabetes who ate the most iron in the form of heme found in red meats had a 50% increased risk of total coronary heart disease as compared to those with the lowest intake. The risk ratio with women was more obvious in post menopause when compared with pre menopause.

Red Meat Linked To Heart Disease In Diabetics

Red Meat Linked To Heart Disease In Diabetics

While lean beef may be a good protein food to the average population, type 2 diabetics might choose to cut back on red meat and processed red meat sources and replace it with a heart-friendlier choice. Fresh seafood, rich in omega -3 fatty acids, would rank high on the list of a healthy eating plan.

Reference: The Medical Post, February 20, 2007, page21

Last edited December 5, 2012


Lycopene Benefits Backed By Science

Lately a lot of attention has been directed to the health benefits of vegetables and fruit. Vitamin C has long been an accepted household term, and nobody questions the benefits. Newer buzz words are the terms “bioflavonoids” and “antioxidants”. Some products are aggressively marketed extolling the above named beneficial substances, but often the consumer is left mildly bewildered by exaggerated claims. Often the sale prices of these miracle foods are as lofty as the bold statements that go along with them.
For any shopper it is important to know that some of the most beneficial foods are not high priced items, but very common staples. Take tomatoes, for instance. They are a significant source for the substance lycopene, which lately has received a lot of attention. Lycopene and its dietary sources as well as its benefits have been researched world wide, and the results are now in. It is responsible for the red color in fruit or vegetables, such as tomatoes, and its isomeric form 5-cis-lycopene is the most stable form having the highest antioxidant properties. Common dietary sources are tomatoes, watermelons, pink guava, pink grapefruit, papaya, apricot and other fruit. In the Western diet tomato-based foods account for about 85% of dietary sources of Lycopene. Studies have shown that lycopene is more efficiently absorbed from processed tomato products compared to raw tomatoes. Once it is absorbed it is distributed throughout the body. The highest levels showed up in the testes, the adrenal glands, prostate, breast and liver.
Research going back to 1995 showed an inverse relationship between the consumption of tomatoes and the risk of prostate cancer. A follow up publication in 1999 showed that the same inverse relation of lycopene intake and cancer also included breast, cervical, ovarian, liver and other organ sites. Further studies have followed these initial publications, and the great majority of them suggest that an increased intake of lycopene showed an association with a significant reduction in the risk of many cancers.
Coronary heart disease and lycopene benefits were also examined. The strongest population based evidence comes from a multi center case control study in Europe (EURAMIC). 662 Cases and 717 controls were recruited from 10 different European countries, and there was a significant relationship between levels of lycopene in fatty tissue and the risk of myocardial infarction. Lower lycopene levels were associated with a higher risk of heart attacks.Lycopene was also shown to decrease levels of oxidized LDL (LDL or low density lipoprotein is known as the “bad” cholesterol). Another small study showed that lycopene was reducing total cholesterol levels and as a result was lowering the risk of coronary heart disease (CHD).
The list of benefits does not end here: the dietary oxidant reduces oxidative stress and levels of bone turnover markers, meaning that it may contribute to the bone health, especially reducing the risk of osteoporosis in postmenopausal women.

Lycopene Benefits Backed By Science

Lycopene Benefits Backed By Science

For people with mild hypertension (high blood pressure), consumption of lycopene resulted in significant reductions of systolic and diastolic blood pressures.
Infertility in males was significantly helped by lycopene intake. In a study infertile man received 8 mg lycopene per day in capsule form. Laboratory tests confirmed an increased sperm density along with functional sperm concentration and mobility. This treatment protocol with lycopene supplementation resulted in a success rate of 36% pregnancies in their partners.
Pregnant women with pre-eclampsia who were treated with lycopene supplement significantly improved, which was shown by decreased diastolic blood pressure, the reduction of pre-eclampsia and a decrease of intrauterine growth retardation, resulting in a healthier mother and baby.
Future research is pending surrounding lycopene in metabolic and inflammatory diseases and in its role of possibly preventing neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease. Other inflammatory conditions such as arthritis and emphysema will likely also be shown to benefit from lycopene. Preliminary data has already indicated this.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of USA has recently approved lycopene as a safe “natural coloring agent” and a Generally Recognized as a Safe (GRAS) component. The Department of Nutritional Sciences , Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, c/o Dr. A.V. Rao et al. who completed this meta analysis of the recent literature have recommended that we all consume a regular daily lycopene dose in our food and supplements as part of our diet for good health.

More info about lycopene and prostate cancer: http://nethealthbook.com/news/lycopene-reduces-prostate-cancer-risk/

Reference: The Whitehall-Robins Report, December 2006, Volume 15, No.4

Last edited November 2, 2014


Non-Hormone Alternative Against Hot Flashes

Hormone replacement therapy has its positive and negative effects, and the proven risk of breast cancer has stopped many women from choosing hormone replacement for menopausal problems. Yet menopausal problems can be a source of suffering and frustration for those women who are affected. Menopausal hot flashes can be bothersome, and if they are severe, frequent and go on for years, women find it difficult to cope with this condition. Even if hormone replacement is not an option because of the risk factors, relief of those symptoms is very much needed. Herbal remedies are often not sufficient. As a result the day to day functioning of the patient is affected and even a restful night is interrupted by sweating.
Dr. Sireesha Reddy from the department of obstetrics and gynecology at the University of Rochester’s school of medicine and dentistry has led a study of 60 postmenopausal women. A medication called gabapentin was used in a randomized study. Three equal groups were observed: the first received gabapentin titrated to 2,400 mg per day. The second group received 0.625 mg per day of estrogen, and the third group was given a placebo. The gabapentin group and the estrogen group achieved similar results, namely a 71% reduction, versus 72% in the estrogen group. The placebo group reported a 54 % reduction of hot flashes.
Dr. Reddy states that gabapentin against hot flashes is a good alternative. It works for patients who only have these particular problems, as it does not address other indications where estrogen is prescribed.

Non-Hormone Alternative Against Hot Flashes

Non-Hormone Alternative Against Hot Flashes

Dr. Reddy also added that it might not be necessary to titrate to 2,400 mg gabapentin per day, because some women metabolize it at a higher rate than others.
Specific side effects such as headaches and dizziness occurred more frequently in the gabapentin group, but they were not statistically significant.

Reference: The Medical Post, July 18, 2006, page 4

Comment on Nov. 13, 2012: This is an example of symptomatic therapy for one symptom, in this case hot flashes, but the trade-off are side effects like headaches and dizziness, which were discussed away because they were “statistically not significant”. Women in menopause have a lack of estrogen and progesterone, which is sensed by the receptors for both of these hormones throughout the woman’s body. The solution is bio-identical hormone replacement with specific hormone measurements as discussed under this link.

Last edited December 6, 2012