
Marijuana and Uncontrolled Vomiting

Marijuana was considered safe in the past, but now marijuana and uncontrolled vomiting suddenly make the news. Recently there also were reports of marijuana causing heart attacks and schizophrenia.

Abdominal pain with cannabis hyperemesis syndrome

Cannabis hyperemesis syndrome or cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome (CHS) is a relatively new disease entity. It occurs in people who use marijuana daily for several years. But people affected by this condition often do not realize that it is an overdose of marijuana that brings on the nausea and vomiting of CHS. When they started marijuana use, they may have used intermittent doses of marijuana to treat nausea and vomiting. In intermittent doses marijuana may have been helpful, however constant use is a different story! During several years of use of marijuana, patients never had abdominal pains or vomiting, until one day CHS started.

Possible mechanisms regarding marijuana and uncontrolled vomiting

The body has its own endocannabinoid system with cannabinoid receptors that are distributed throughout the body. There are two cannabinoid receptors, CB1 and CB2. In the central nervous system, there are mainly CB1 receptors, in the rest of the body CB2. It appears that stimulation with intermittent small doses of marijuana suppresses nausea and vomiting in the hypothalamus area. However, constant stimulation of CB2 receptors in the gut with higher doses of marijuana are the cause of CHS. When a person develops cannabis hyperemesis syndrome, the only permanent cure is to stop marijuana use completely. This eliminates the CB2 receptor stimulation and allows the body to heal the gut. Researcher believe that Tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC is more powerful than the endocannabinoids. THC overwhelms the CB1 and CB2 receptors. When people who were cured of CHS restarted marijuana, their symptoms of nausea and abdominal pain returned.

In some people hot bath and hot showers help uncontrolled vomiting

Researchers noted that people reported how sometimes having a hot shower or a hot bath stopped the vomiting. The hypothalamus controls both body temperature and vomiting. A hot bath may send a signal to the hypothalamus, which interrupts the vomiting for a period of time. But with continued use of marijuana the vomiting reoccurs.

Increased strength of marihuana preparations

Dr. Wang, an associate professor of pediatrics at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus in Aurora, Colorado noted: “It’s been well documented that the amount of THC that now comes in cannabis is increasing substantially. In the ’90s the average was like 4% or 5%. Now in Colorado, it’s anywhere from 15% to 20%.” This means that THC causes more and more toxicity in patients.

In Colorado medical marijuana was legal since 2009 and recreational marijuana was legal since 2014. Dr. Wang researched the cannabis hyperemesis syndrome in Colorado. He found over 800,000 cases of vomiting in Colorado between 2013 and 2018. This was an increase of 29% from the time before marijuana became legal.

Symptoms of cannabis hyperemesis syndrome

The 5 most common symptoms of cannabis hyperemesis syndrome are continuous nausea, repeated vomiting, abdominal pain, weight loss because of decreased food intake and dehydration from fluid loss. Many people have several showers a day because it diminishes their nausea.

Three phases of cannabis hyperemesis syndrome

The cannabis hyperemesis syndrome often presents in 3 stages: the prodromal phase, the hyper emetic phase, and the recovery phase.

During the prodromal phase symptoms consist of nausea and abdominal pain early in the morning. The eating pattern is still normal in this phase. Some people increase their marijuana consumption as they hope to treat the nausea this way. This phase can last for months or years.

During the hyper emetic phase all of the 5 symptoms mentioned above can occur. This phase often continues until the patient gives up all marijuana consumption. This is when the recovery phase starts.

In the recovery phase the patient returns to a normal eating pattern. All of the symptoms gradually disappear. This phase lasts between days to months. But if the patient starts marijuana again, the symptoms return very quickly.

Treatment of cannabis hyperemesis syndrome

Patients who have severe vomiting require treatment in a hospital. The doctor starts intravenous fluids to treat dehydration. Some medicine to stop vomiting helps in the beginning. The physician must convince the patient to completely stop marijuana use, which helps to treat nausea and abdominal pain. Antacid medication like proton-pump inhibitors is useful to treat stomach lining inflammation. Frequent hot showers help to tone down nausea and vomiting. Hot showers seem to work via the hypothalamic brain center, which is responsible both for nausea/vomiting and heat perception. The physician may prescribe small amounts of benzodiazepams to treat anxiety.

By avoiding marijuana in any form THC, which is a powerful stimulus for CB1 and CB2 receptors gets washed out of the system. This allows the endocannabinoid system to rebalance itself. As long as the patient stays away from marijuana there is usually a complete recovery.

Marijuana and Uncontrolled Vomiting

Marijuana and Uncontrolled Vomiting


Since marijuana is legal in many jurisdictions the cannabis hyperemesis syndrome (CHS) occurs more and more often. Emergency teams at hospitals are kept busy treating these types of patients. It appears that CHS develops in patients who use marijuana regularly and use it in higher concentrations. Nausea and vomiting are the most common symptoms. Some patients can cope for a period of time by taking frequent hot showers. But eventually this home remedy does no longer work. A brief hospital stay may help the patient to recover from this syndrome. The patient needs to stay away from marijuana products to recover from CHS completely, otherwise there will be a relapse.


Alternative Treatment Of Hyperactivity (ADHD)

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD or ADD, attention deficit disorder) has been in the spotlight on and off over the years. It affects 8% to 10% of school-aged children, and about 2% to 5% of adults who still have this condition.

Typically a parent receives a note from school that they must come to a teacher/parent meeting and it is discussed that the child is disruptive in class, not paying attention, interrupting the teacher inappropriately and forgetting to do their homework. The teacher suggests that this may be a sign of hyperactivity. The school nurse is also of this opinion and they suggest getting a prescription for Ritalin or Adderall (amphetamine type medications), drugs that have been shown in other kids to be fairly effective in treating the symptoms.

Next the child is seen by the doctor who confirms the diagnosis and Ritalin (methylphenidate) is prescribed.

In an attempt to quickly control the situation, the side effects of Ritalin are often not discussed in detail: agitation, insomnia, nervousness, anxiety, nausea, vomiting and loss of appetite, palpitations, dizziness, headaches, an increase in the heart rate, blood pressure elevation, and even psychosis (Ref.1).

It is easy to just write a prescription for Ritalin and hope that all is well. Had the parents heard of all the possible side effects, they may have asked whether there were alternative treatments available.

The causes of hyperactivity (ADHD)

The exact cause of ADHD remains unknown, but there is a clustering of this condition in some families, so there seems to be a clear genetic component (Ref.2). It appears that several genes are involved, namely those associated with serotonin and glutamate transporters, but also those affecting dopamine metabolism. Males are affected with ADHD more often than females (in children 3:1, in adults 1:1).

Alternative Treatment Of Hyperactivity (ADHD)

Alternative Treatment Of Hyperactivity (ADHD)

Some remarks regarding brain development are in order: Dr. Kharrazian describes that the grey matter of the brain develops before the age of 9 and the development of the white matter is completed by the age of 19 (Ref. 3, p.3). In ADHD patients the frontal brain is underdeveloped resulting in an inability to suppress unacceptable behavior, immediate desires and impulses. Prescription drugs may alter the behavior on the surface, but the frontal brain development is still lagging behind. The only thing that can influence this is behavioral/cognitive therapy and extra tutoring while the symptoms are controlled. The window of opportunity is closed by the time the ADHD patient has reached the age of 19. After that a juvenile ADHD turns into a permanent adult ADHD. The cases that had only childhood ADHD and outgrew it were the ones where the frontal lobe abnormalities had corrected themselves before the age of 19.

This review article has noted that there is an association between a Western style diet (sugar and fat rich) and ADHD.

Interestingly both Ref. 1 and 2, which I would categorize as having originated from mainstream conventional medicine circles, deny such an association. But the link also noted that a healthy diet with fiber, folate, and omega-3 fatty acids as well as supplementation with iron and zinc when these minerals are found to be low in the blood, do make a significant difference in ADHD patients towards normalization of their symptoms.

One of the under diagnosed causes of ADHD is gluten sensitivity as Dr. Perlmutter described in his book (Ref. 4, pages 150-158). This can spare the child or teenager the toxic side effects of anxiolytics, antidepressants or antipsychotics that may be inappropriately prescribed by their physicians, and a gluten free diet would allow the brain to recover very quickly in such cases. A food sensitivity history and some simple gluten sensitivity blood screening tests will diagnose this condition or rule it out.

To complicate matters even more, Dr. Amen has mentioned in several books that there are at least 7 different subcategories of ADHD that he has found in ADHD patients when studying thousands of single-photon emission computed tomography brain scans (SPECT brain scans). Dr. Amen mentions that the 7 subcategories of ADHD are the combined type ADD, the primarily inattentive ADD subtype, overfocused ADD, temporal lobe ADD, limbic ADD, ring of fire ADD and trauma induced ADD. Dr. Amen explains that each of these types needs to be treated differently and some of the treatment failures are explained by the fact that the wrong type of ADD was treated (Ref.5).

Treatment of ADHD

In the following I mention 5 steps that are useful for treating ADHD patients.

  1. A first step toward normalization of the metabolic changes in the brain metabolism of the affected child or adult is to adopt a diet that has been linked with low risk for ADHD: avoid food additives, cut out refined sugar, avoid known food allergies like gluten sensitivity and others. You may need to test the patient for food allergies using an elimination diet. Add a good amount of molecularly distilled omega-3 fatty acids (the pure form of omega-3 without mercury, lead or PCBs) as this has shown beneficial effects in ADHD patients.
  2. Involve a behavioral psychologist for behavioral/cognitive therapy treatments. This is particularly effective in the 9 to 19 year old category where the frontal region of the brain is still developing.
  3. Work together with the schoolteacher and get supplemental teaching in areas of academic weakness to reduce the frustrations in the classroom setting.
  4. In adolescent girls who just started their period, a relative lack of progesterone (estrogen dominance) may be a contributory factor. A small dose (20mg to 30 mg) of bioidentical progesterone from day 6 to 16 of the menstrual cycle may help significantly in alleviating the symptoms of ADHD. You may need to consult a naturopathic doctor or anti-aging physician to get a prescription for that.
  5. If all of this helps only marginally, then a smaller amount of Ritalin may be helpful; however, blood tests should be drawn from time to time to monitor for drug toxicity as the rate of absorption and elimination of the drug varies significantly from patient to patient.

It is interesting that studies have shown that a combination of Ritalin or Adderall with alternative treatment methods had a better outcome than either method alone.


It is important to think about the various possible causes of ADHD and not just get caught up in the knee-jerk reflex of treating ADHD with Ritalin (note that this was only step 5 above, if all the other things failed). In co-operation with the school system and using alternative ways at home first (change of diet, possible addition of low dose bioidentical progesterone cream in girls) and additional tutoring in weak school subjects the need for Ritalin may be avoided. If all else fails, the conservative approach is still available, but I suggest that drug monitoring (blood levels that should be done from time to time to avoid toxicity) is important.

More information about ADHD:


1. Ferri: Ferri’s Clinical Advisor 2014, 1st ed., © 2013 Mosby.

2. Jacobson: Psychiatric Secrets, 2nd ed., © 2001 Hanley and Belfus

3. Dr. Datis Kharrazian: “Why Isn’t My Brain Working?” © 2013, Elephant Press, Carlsbad, CA 92011

4. David Perlmutter, MD: “Grain Brain. The Surprising Truth About Wheat, Carbs, And Sugar-Your Brain’s Silent Killers.” Little, Brown and Company, New York, 2013.

5. Daniel G. Amen: “Use Your Brain To Change Your Age” © 2012, Harmony Books, An imprint of Crown Publishing.

Last edited Nov. 7, 2014

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Music More Powerful Than Anti-Anxiety Drugs

When was the last time you saw your physicians for anxiety and you were given a prescription that said: “for anxiety listen to your favorite music!” instead of receiving a prescription for an anti-anxiety drug (anxiolytic). This is exactly what a recent study suggests that showed prior to surgery you can control your anxiety either with anti-anxiety drugs or by listening to your favorite music. Listening to your favorite music will do you no harm, while many drugs do have harmful side effects.

How singing can change the brain chemistry

Other studies have investigated how singing can change your brain functioning in terms of brain chemistry. The researchers found that singing will release dopamine in your brain, which is responsible for feeling pleasure; it will stimulate your immune system by elevating immunoglobulin A and decreasing cortisol (the stress hormone). This in turn will preserve your immune cells (lymphocytes). Oxytocin levels of your brain are increased, which promotes social affiliation. It also calms down the autonomic nervous system resulting in a better airway opening, calming of your heart rate and soothing the wave-like muscle contractions in your gut, medically called peristalsis. You would refer to that as “butterflies in your stomach”. Music therapy reduces pain and anxiety by 50% and is important for children and adults alike.

Pain and anxiety reduced

A study in Germany showed that pain and anxiety were significantly reduced with music therapy. A Taiwanese study of women in labor found that music therapy significantly reduced pain and anxiety of women during labor. Ref. 1 explains that music therapy is useful as an adjunct to treating cancer pain, and reducing anxiety associated with colposcopy procedures. It also can help when treating patients who had heart attacks in the setting of a cardiac care unit.

Music More Powerful Than Anti-Anxiety Drugs

Music More Powerful Than Anti-Anxiety Drugs

Hypnosis and guided imagery

Music has been successfully combined with clinical hypnosis and guided imagery where words are carefully chosen to help the patient experience pleasant feelings, which counteract the experience of pain, anxiety or fear of dying. A simple relaxation CD or tape with soothing background music will facilitate this type of therapy. This is useful for patients in a palliative care unit where they prepare themselves to accepting the inevitable death from an incurable disease. But chemotherapy patients undergoing these procedures for cancer treatments also have benefitted from a significant reduction in nausea, vomiting (side effects of chemotherapy) and pain.

Autism and music therapy

A Cochrane study showed that autistic children did better in terms of communication skills when music therapy was incorporated into the treatment protocol. One of the core deficits in autistic children is in the area of communication and social skills. This is where music therapy was most effective. Behavioral problems (stereotypic behavior) in autistic children did not respond to music therapy. A comprehensive treatment program for autistic children should therefore incorporate music therapy. Here is a blog that describes what difference music therapy can make in the lives of autistic children written by a member of the American Music Therapy Association.

Substance abuse and music therapy

An area where you may not expect music therapy to have a role is in the area of drug and substance abuse rehabilitation , which is discussed in more detail in this site. The beauty about music therapy is that it is not a drug, yet the natural endorphins that are released by the brain help the affected person getting through withdrawal easier. Music therapy helps building up self-esteem, participating in group activities, promoting self awareness and expressing feelings.

Mood disorders in adolescents

One important area where music therapy has been employed is with anxiety and depression in adolescents. Adolescents spend an average of 4 hours per day listening to music. So they are already programmed to listen to music. With the help of a music therapist they can be directed to listening to the type of music that will help them get motivated, relax more, make them feel accepted and be part of their peer groups. In this study the authors suggested to combine music therapy with dance and art therapy. In this way the whole person gets involved in the treatment and this can be integrated with conventional antidepressant treatments at reduced doses (with less side-effects) or with cognitive therapy.

General objectives of music therapy

Music therapy is best incorporated into a treatment protocol as an adjunct. It can help reduce the use of drugs for psychiatric patients, for people with anxiety and for patients with pain conditions. The Cleveland clinic has a useful summary about music therapy, which describes the uses of it for reducing anxiety, for helping with coping skills, mood improvement and distraction from pain. There are registered music therapists you can ask for help. The website of the American Music Therapy Association may have other useful links for you.


Music therapy is a treatment modality with no side effects, but providing effective treatment for quite an impressive range of clinical conditions as discussed. Music therapists are widely available in the US and many other countries. This treatment can be integrated with conventional or complementary treatments. It helps people to heal the body as a whole unit (mind and body).

More information on anxiety disorders:


1. Rakel: Integrative Medicine, 3rd ed.© 2012 Saunders. Chapter on Integrative Therapy; subchapter of Mind-Body Therapy.

Last edited Nov. 7, 2014


When Kids Are Migraine Sufferers

It is often assumed that migraine headaches are reserved for people with a family history of migraines and that those who are afflicted by those disabling headaches are usually adults. When a child has the symptoms of migraine headaches it is usually a source of grave concern to the parents. Dr. Lewis reported about his findings at a meeting which was sponsored by Rady Children’s Hospital. He has seen many young persons who suffer of headaches and pointed out that the greatest fear of the patient and the parents, is the thought of a developing brain tumor. If a patient has been having headaches for half a year or two years and has had an entirely normal neurological exam, Dr. Lewis can reassure the patient that there is no brain tumor. Breaking the vicious cycle of fear by reassurance often lifts a load of the patient’s back and things may settle down. About 11% of children in the age group of 5 to 15 years have migraine type headaches. The incidence has a peak at 12 years in boys and at 14 years in girls. Migraines have different criteria than headaches: there are at least 5 lifetime attacks that have a least two of the following symptoms: severe aches on both sides of the head, the front or on one side only, throbbing aches, moderate to severe pain that gets worse with activity. At least one symptom of the following has to be present: either light sensitivity, sensitivity to noise, nausea and vomiting. Dr. Lewis reports that proper sleep habits can make a difference. Too little, too much or inconsistent sleep is closely associated with the frequency of migraines. He cited the example of a sixteen year old who started having migraines after school ended at the end of June. She stayed up late and slept till noon. Once she returned to a regular sleep cycle she did a lot better. Eating patterns can play a role too. One of the common stories is the student skipping lunch and developing a headache about an hour later. Other migraine triggers can be sensitivities to certain foods, altitude changes, weather, motion sickness on a trip, excitement, dehydration and learning problems. Dr. Lewis reported that many of the very young patients age 4 to 5 with migraines may have attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. If the performance problems are addressed headaches will resolve in 80 to 90% of the time. Headaches can also be linked to emotional aspects, peer problems at school, family problems or depression.

When Kids Are Migraine Sufferers

When Kids Are Migraine Sufferers

There is no drug that is officially approved for migraines in children. The medication that has been studied most closely is ibuprofen. A controlled trial of 7.5 mg/kg showed a response of 76 %. Acetaminophen with a dose of 15 mg/kg was studied in patients aged 4 to 16 years. The response was 54%. Neither of those two medications showed any adverse side effect. Sumatriptan nasal spray was well tolerated, showed a 1 hour response of 58%, had no side effects, but a bitter aftertaste. It was also pointed out that in a study oral sumatriptan and placebo scored the same. It is obviously most important to get to the root of the problem and eliminate the triggering factors after which medication can be used. The general consensus is to treat the attacks rapidly and consistently, get the patient back to his or her daily functioning, minimize backup medications and make sure that there are minimal or no adverse side effects.

More information about:

1. Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder:

2. Migraine headaches:

Reference: Presentation at Annual Advances in the Practice of Pediatrics: San Diego 2008; Feb. 22-24, Hilton La Jolla

Last edited November 3, 2014


H. Pylori Can Be The Culprit For Indigestion

Indigestion, heart burn, bloating and stomach discomfort are common problems. Often the reason is simple. Too much food and drink at a party, a plateful of deep fried Buffalo wings or a midnight order of double-pepperoni pizza will contribute to stomach upset and a bad night’s sleep. A few over the counter antacids will come to the rescue. If indigestion is a faithful but miserable daily companion, the excuse of “just having a sensitive stomach” becomes a form of denial and a dangerous form of self diagnosis. Something is wrong, and it is time to seek medical attention instead of over the counter meds. The first line of defense will be prescription drugs called “proton pump inhibitors” (PPI). They are designed to eradicate excessive acid production in the stomach. If symptoms are more severe, e.g. weight loss, a gastroscopy will be necessary. Even though the prevalence of a stomach infection with Helicobacter pylori (H.pylori) is declining, about 30% of patients with chronic stomach upsets test positive for an infection with these bacteria. This can cause recurrent stomach pains. In this case it becomes necessary to treat this with a combination of PPI’s and antibiotic medication. Eradication of H.pylori can mean a cure from a stomach ulcer. It also reduces the risk of developing gastric adenocarcinoma, a form of stomach cancer that could have developed out of an untreated gastric ulcer. Just because a person has heartburn does not mean that the condition is due to gastro-esophageal reflux of stomach acid. If after treatment with a PPI the problems of indigestion, heartburn, bloating or stomach aches reoccur, lab tests can give more information. According to a prospective trial conducted by Dr. Delaney and others the H.pylori serology (a blood test) is unreliable, but other H.pylori tests like urea breath test or stool antigen are reliable tests to establish whether a stomach infection with H.pylori is present or not.

H. Pylori Can Be The Culprit For Indigestion

H. Pylori Can Be The Culprit For Indigestion

If the bacterium is present, its eradication with antibiotic therapy will stop the stomach problems in a high percentage of cases with one treatment protocol. What was surprising was that after one year the treatment result of the treatment group with PPI/antibiotic combination was as successful as the control group that was treated with PPI’s alone. It was concluded that in the more severe cases with weight loss, vomiting, or overt bleeding an upper gastrointestinal endoscopy should be performed where a direct H.pylori test from samples is also done. However, in the vast majority of cases with minor symptoms can be treated safely by the general practitioner with PPI’s and follow-up examinations in subsequent visits. Treatment failures can then be referred to a gastroenterologist, if necessary.

More information about gastritis and H. pylori:

Reference: British Medical Journal 336:623-624 (March 22, 2008)

Last edited November 3, 2014